Amsterdam, The Netherlands, February 20, 2002 – MirCorp, the premier space exploration company confirms it has entered into discussions with Mr. Lance Bass for coordinating his possible flight on an upcoming Soyuz mission.

The discussions are taking place between Mr. Bass and MirCorp’s media partner, Mr. David Krieff of Destiny Productions in Los Angeles.

MirCorp has fought for the past several years to open the exploration of space to all. We believe firmly that the excitement and beauty of this frontier should not be limited to a handful of professionals.

We look forward to working with the Russian Space Agency Rosaviakosmos to reach an agreement allowing Mr. Bass to realize his dream.

Should that agreement take place, we will also require permission from the ISS partners. We believe they would supportive of this unique mission that, if implemented, could introduce a new generation to the excitement of space exploration.

MirCorp is also in discussions with other candidates, as are other companies. All of these candidates would be ideal for the November Mission.

About MirCorp

MirCorp is the leading manned commercial space exploration company, and has worked with customers in both media and private tourism sectors. MirCorp is currently working on developing the world’s first privately owned home in space. Currently named Mini Station 1, the new space station will accommodate up to three visitors for stays of up to 20 days at a time. MirCorp headquarters are in Amsterdam and it has offices in Moscow, Russia.

For information, contact Gert Weyers at +31 20 520 68 40 or visit

MirCorp public relations contact:

Jeffrey M. Lenorovitz
The InfoWEST Group
Telephone (U.S.): +1 (703) 448-5669
U.S. mobile telephone: +1 (703) 615-3646
International GSM telephone (France): +33 (0)6 80-85-86-25