Continues its Pioneering Role in the Manned Space Industry -Russian
Government Grants MirCorp Full and Exclusive Rights of Use of Soyuz
Passenger Seats; ‘Contest Winner Goes to Space!’

The Russian Aviation and Space Agency (Rosaviakosmos) and RSC “Energia”
have signed a joint decision to fly two Soyuz vehicles under the MirCorp
program in the year 2003.

MirCorp will, in collaboration with Image World Media, Inc., launch
Prime- time television game show winners on space flights in 2003.

The Game Show Winners will be members of “taxi”-mission crews to the ISS
for a period of 8-10 days, or they will make an autonomous space flight,
if, for any reason, the ISS cannot accommodate the participants.

Bilateral agreements to organize work for the realization of this
project have been approved by Dr. Yuri Koptev, General Director of
Rosaviakosmos and Mr. Yuri Semenov, President of RSC “Energia.” The two
parties will soon sign the detailed contracts.

RSC “Energia” and MirCorp (http://www.Mir-Corp.com ) will be using their
experience gained from joint commercial projects on the Mir orbital

Image World Media, Inc. specializes in the production and distribution
of different media programs on all types of hardware: as traditional TV
programs, film and on the Internet.

This project is part of the MirCorp business model, which MirCorp is
going to implement on the Small Commercial Orbital Station (SCOS), which
is under development by Rosaviakosmos, RSC “Energia” and MirCorp
according to the Joint Resolution of August 24, 2001. About MirCorp
MirCorp is the leading manned commercial space exploration company,
which has worked with customers in the media and private tourism
sectors. MirCorp signed the first lease of a commercial space station,
and signed Dennis Tito as the first citizen explorer. The company’s
corporate headquarters are in Amsterdam, and it has offices in Moscow,
Russia. For commercial information, contact Mir-Corp Gert Weyers at:
+31-20-520-68-40, fax: +31-20-520-68-42 or visit the Mir-Corp website
at: http://www.mir-corp.com .

About RSC “Energia” — As a major shareholder of MirCorp, RSC “Energia”
brings world-class Russian space expertise. RSC “Energia” was the first
company to launch a satellite, Sputnik 1, and orbited Yuri Gagarin as
the first human in space. It also was responsible for the development of
Russia’s space stations, beginning with the first such orbital facility
ever launched, Salyut 1. Today, RSC “Energia” has lead industrial roles
in numerous major space programs, including as prime contractor
responsibility for
Russia’s contribution to the International Space Station. RSC “Energia”
also participates in the Sea Launch program with Boeing, ILS launch
services with Lockheed, and the Enterprise module with Spacehab.

About Rosaviacosmos — Rosaviacosmos is headed by Dr. Yuri Koptev, and
has the responsibility of coordinating the civil and commercial space
programs for the Russian Federation.

About Image World Media Inc. — IMI is an international media company,
registered in the United States, specializing in the production and
distribution of various media content for worldwide distribution across
multiple media platforms such as traditional television, film, and the
Internet. IMI’s founders include pioneers in the Asian
telecommunications, satellite broadcasting, and New Media revolution.
They will play key roles in carrying forward the Company’s strategy of
creating a global media force originating from Asia. For additional
information on Image World Media, Inc, please visit
http://www.imageworldmedia.com .


CONTACT: Jeffrey Lenorovitz of The InfoWEST Group, +1-703-560-6330, or
Fax: +1-703-560-6310, or Mobile: +1-703-615-3646, or European GSM:
+011-33-6-80-85-86-25, or e-mail: jleno@infowestgroup.com, for MirCorp