Torino, Italy (19 May, 2000) – MirCorp President Jeffrey Manber today confirmed that discussions are taking place with the Italian company Itali-Mir to send Carlo Vibert to the Mir as a guest cosmonaut.
Mr. Vibert was with the European Space Agency, and already has experience with Mir training.
"We are delighted to be exploring this historic mission with Itali-Mir," Manber said. "Bringing together a wide range of Italian industry, media, banks and consumer companies to support a serious mission to Mir is exactly one of our primary goals. We believe this is a good commercial model for all nations with experienced space talent."
The Holland-based MirCorp was formed earlier this year to operate as a direct link between commercial users of Mir and the space station’s Russian operators.
MirCorp acts as a facilitator, beginning with the establishment of business conditions for Mir’s use, and continuing through successful completion of a user’s activity on board the station.
The company signed a first-of-its kind commercial lease agreement for Mir in February with RSC Energia, the Russian space systems manufacturer that built and operates the space station. MirCorp is 60% owned by RSC Energia, while the remaining 40% held by its investors.
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Jeffrey M. Lenorovitz
The InfoWEST Group
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