Mir-Corp has partnered with the award winning WideGroup Digital Motion company to create a new web presence in preparation for the launch of a series of new space services. Mir-Corp, the World’s premier commercial manned space flight company, continues to develop new ways to open the thrill and excitement of space to a worldwide audience.

Mir-Corp and WideGroup will be officially launching the new space focused online experience on October 21. Get ready to see the new face of Space.

You will be able to view the new site at http://www.mir-corp.com

About MirCorp

MirCorp is the leading manned commercial space exploration company, and has worked with customers in both media and private tourism sectors. MirCorp is currently working on developing the world’s first privately owned home in space. Currently named Mini Station 1, the new space station will accommodate up to three visitors for stays of up to 20 days at a time. MirCorp headquarters are in Amsterdam and it has offices in Moscow, Russia. For information, contact Gert Weyers at +31 20 520 68 40 or visit www.mir-corp.com

About WideGroup

Since its beginning in 1999, WideGroup has been heading the revolution of rich content on the web. Specializing in high impact websites, and online branding for the entertainment industry and for corporate identities, WideGroup is helping to raise the standard of design to a higher level. WideGroup works with such clients as DreamWorks, Nike, XBOX, America Online. WideGroup has offices in Hollywood, United States. For more information contact Alexis Posternak at +1 818 344 9703 or visit www.widegroup.net

MirCorp public relations contact:

Jeffrey M. Lenorovitz
The InfoWEST Group
Telephone (U.S.): +1 (703) 448-5669
U.S. mobile telephone: +1 (703) 615-3646
International GSM telephone (France): +33 (0)6 80-85-86-25
e-mail: jleno@infowestgroup.com