The following documents the discussions addressed at the Senior Staff and
Center Directors' Meeting on January 3, 2000.  Mr. Goldin attended the
meeting.  Action assignments have been placed in brackets [ ] for easy

1. AA Reports

B/Holz: Mr. Holz reported that we received Office of Management and Budget (OMB) clearance on our FY 2000 Operating Plan, and it has been sent to the Hill. The FY 2001 President's budget is still undergoing formulation and adjustments. New adjustments were received at the end of December. Discussions are continuing with the Associate Administrators (AA's) and OMB to resolve ambiguities and gain clarifications where needed. The lateness of the final adjustments is creating some production issues, and Code B hopes it can count on your support during the development of our congressional budget due to Congress the first week in February. H/Luedtke: Mr. Luedtke appreciated all efforts made by the Procurement Contracting Officer's Technical Representative (COTR) and Information Technology (IT) people over the last few years in working with the contractors to ensure that they were Y2K compliant. I/Schumacher: Mr. Schumacher reported that Russian President Boris Yeltsin resigned, and Code I is waiting to determine what the recent changes in Russia will mean for NASA. U/Nicogossian: Dr. Nicogossian reported that the Honorable David Satcher, Surgeon General of the United States, will be the keynote speaker for the first session of Code U's continuing education series 2000, "Global Trends of Emerging Infectious and Non-Infectious Diseases," on January 14, 2000, from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. in ViTS room CD-61. Dr. Satcher is the 16th Surgeon General of the United States and only the second person in history to simultaneously hold the positions of Surgeon General and Assistant Secretary of Health in the Department of Health and Human Services. AO/Holcomb: Mr. Holcomb reported on the following items: 1) The NASA Y2K team should take pride in what has been a truly extraordinary accomplishment. As of 10 a.m. this morning, NASA has transitioned successfully to the year 2000 with no significant problems. During the monitoring period, the Agency suffered a few minor anomalies that were easily fixed. Only one, involving a piece of planning software for Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS), appeared to be Y2K related; however, it did not affect any real-time mission-critical systems. The NASA Y2K team worked quite effectively over the past several years to repair and certify our systems and then execute our zero-day strategy. Andrea Norris of Code AO deserves recognition for her leadership and team-building skills. Each Center Y2K manager has met and addressed each challenge that has come our way over the past few years. A special thanks to Bernie Tomardy and Bill Duffy of GSFC for serving as gracious hosts for the NASA Y2K Communications Center (NYCC). Our success was due in large part to the outstanding satellite operations teams at MSFC, JSC, JPL, and GSFC with special thanks to Tom Maione of GSFC, Paul Allison and Sheila Fogel of MSFC, and Dick Mathison of JPL. These teams deal with numerous anomalies each and every day. During the rollover, these teams rapidly and effectively addressed all anomalies. We appreciate the sacrifices made by each member of the NASA Y2K team over this past weekend. When we requested information, each Center was staffed to respond rapidly. Our success was due in large measure to the commitment of Senior Management who supported prudent and appropriate Y2K investments. Mr. Holcomb noted that DOD suffered a Y2K outage of one of its reconnaissance systems shortly after Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) rollover, despite a Y2K investment of nearly 40 times that of NASA. 2) The following is a status as of 10 a.m. today: Flight controllers continue to make contact with NASA spacecraft according to previously planned schedules. The spacecraft and related communications systems are functioning without incident. JSC reports that the Mission Control Center for the International Space Station (ISS), which was taken offline before the Y2K transition in Moscow (4 p.m. EST December 31) was successfully brought back online. The NASA Automated Data Processing Consolidation Center (NACC) at MSFC successfully transitioned to 2000 on January 1 and is fully functional without experiencing any Y2K anomalies. NASA Payroll is fully operational. The QuikSCAT spacecraft entered safehold at approximately 10 a.m. EST (1500 Universal Time Clock (UTC)) on January 1, 2000 caused by an Inertial Reference Unit (IRU) failure. There is no indication the IRU failure is related to Y2K. The QuikSCAT teams were able to reestablish routine operations by 4 p.m. EST (2300 UTC) on January 2, 2000. Computer hacking was at normal levels, and no Y2K-rollover-triggered attacks were detected. A few minor nonmission critical Y2K anomalies have also been observed and resolved. J/Sutton: Mr. Sutton acknowledged the nationwide physical security concerns over the Y2K transition period and commended the NASA security community for their preparations and alertness. There were no physical security incidents reported. Z/Garver: Ms. Garver reported that the Strategic Management Handbook is complete and ready for Mr. Goldin's review and signature. M/Rothenberg: Mr. Rothenberg thanked the team at KSC for the flawless launch of STS 103. He also congratulated the Space Operations Management Office (SOMO) on the successful Y2K rollover. Y/Asrar: Dr. Asrar congratulated and thanked GSFC and JPL for the successful Terra and ACRIMsat launches. He also thanked the KSC team for giving Code Y support for the launches.

2. AI/Dr. Mulville

Dr. Mulville reported on the following items: 1) He welcomed everyone back from the holidays and congratulated everyone on the successful Y2K transition. 2) The first Program Management Council (PMC) meeting of the year will be on January 19 to discuss Integrated Financial Management Project (IFMP). Thirty years ago this week, on January 6, 1970: Former Astronaut Michael Collins was sworn in as Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs in Washington, DC. A State Department news release explained that he would be responsible for State Department relations with the U.S. public, particularly the youth.

3. Center Reports

DFRC/Petersen: Mr. Petersen reported on the status of safety awareness and training. GSFC/Diaz: Mr. Diaz reported that all operations are normal. Hubble Space Telescope and Terra are doing fine, and he is pleased with the performance of the Y2K transition. JSC/Abbey: Mr. Abbey reported on the following items: 1) JSC noted no transition problems in the Y2K rollover. 2) The SOMO reported no problems with data. 3) The ISS is in good shape. 4) Preparations for the launch of STS-99 at the Cape continue. KSC/Bridges: Mr. Bridges reported that his office is in receipt of a letter dated December 28 from Senator Bob Graham's (D-FL) office establishing a Florida Space Summit at KSC on January 14, 2000. Attendees will include Mr. Goldin, Florida Governor John E (Jeb) Bush (R-FL), and congressional representatives, both Federal and State.

4. Mr. Goldin

Mr. Goldin reported that NASA had a great Y2K rollover. He thanked Lee Holcomb, the other Associate Administrators (AA's), and Center Directors for their exemplary efforts. This effort was achieved with proportionally less money than other agencies. [Code P is to work with Code AO to put something out on this accomplishment.] He noted the December 18 launch as the first he has missed in a long time, and he commended the team on successfully completing this very difficult mission. He said it sets a new standard. He thanked the team for doing the right thing and not being in a hurry to launch. [Code M is to work with Codes P and S to also prepare thank you letters to their staff.] Mr. Goldin reemphasized safety first. He noted the successful launches of Terra and ACRIMsat). He complimented GSFC and Code Y for waiting a year to launch Terra, and he thanked the entire team for a terrific job. On Thursday, January 6, there will be a special Senior Management Council Meeting on the FY 2001 budget. If the meeting is not necessary, it will be cancelled. Mr. Goldin stressed that this will be an aggressive year for NASA. Reemphasizing safety first, Mr. Goldin cautioned that we will not push for launches unless they are ready to go. He will work with Dr. Mulville on this matter. In reviewing programs, he also cautioned that we are not discriminating enough. We need a better way to review programs. The AA's are to convene Safety Reliability & Quality Assurance (SR&QA) teams. Codes M, S, U, and Y should be cognizant of potential problems. Mr. Goldin will take two actions on safety and quality: 1) He will look at using new approaches using technologies like Intelligent Synthesis Environment (ISE) and tools under development at ARC. 2) He will have discussions with leaders, executives, and CEO's of nonaerospace companies who have successfully demonstrated safety and quality in complex areas and have exemplary safety records. NASA will be the safest organization in the world. NOTE: ACTION ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE TRANSMITTED UNDER SEPARATE COVER AND TRACKED BY THE HEADQUARTERS CORRESPONDENCE MANAGEMENT OFFICE. SPECIFIC QUESTIONS MAY BE ADDRESSED TO VANESSA COATES @ (202) 358-0906.


Officials-in-Charge of NASA Headquarters Offices: AI/Dr. Mulville AB/Ms. Tagg AE/Mr. Hudkins AF/Mr. Venneri AJ/Mr. Tam AO/Mr. Holcomb AS/Dr. Olsen B/Mr. Holz C/Mr. Christensen E/Mr. Reese F/Ms. Novak G/Mr. Frankle H/Mr. Luedtke I/Mr. Schumacher J/Mr. Sutton K/Mr. Thomas L/Mr. Heffernan M/Mr. Rothenberg P/Ms. Wilhide Q/Mr. Gregory R/Gen. Armstrong S/Dr. Weiler U/Dr. Nicogossian W/Ms. Gross Y/Dr. Asrar Z/Ms. Garver Directors, NASA Centers: ARC/Dr. McDonald DFRC/Mr. Petersen GRC/Mr. Campbell GSFC/Mr. Diaz JSC/Mr. Abbey KSC/Mr. Bridges LaRC/Dr. Creedon MSFC/Mr. Stephenson SSC/Mr. Estess Director, Jet Propulsion Laboratory: Dr. Stone cc: A/Ms. Wilcoxen A/Ms. Landrus AB/Ms. Saldana AE/Ms. Moore AF/Ms. Eastman AI/Ms. Shaeffer AI/Ms. Bloxon AO/Ms. Wissinger AS/Ms. Simms CIC/Ms. Grimes CIC/Ms. Hoover CIC/Ms. Coates CIC/Ms. Fenner C-3/Ms. Soper