The following documents the discussions addressed at the Senior Staff and
Center Directors' Meeting on January 10, 2000.  Mr. Goldin did not attend
the meeting.  Action assignments have been placed in brackets [ ] for easy

1. AA Reports

B/Holz: Mr. Holz reported that the Chief Financial Officer's staff will be on a retreat in Hagerstown, MD, later this week. S/Weiler: Dr. Weiler reported that the Hubble Space Telescope is back in business and doing well. P/Wilhide: Ms. Wilhide reported that Eileen Collins rang the bell at the New York Stock Exchange on Tuesday, January 4, 2000, and that the stock market went up. AE/Hudkins: Mr. Hudkins reported that the Office of the Chief Engineer coordinated a meeting with Booz-Allen & Hamilton, Inc., assigned by the DOD to access the space industrial base. The Booz-Allen team is led by General Moorman and Jimmy Hill. Each Enterprise presented its activities, and NASA has requested to participate in the final briefing scheduled for late February. U/Nicogossian: Dr. Nicogossian reported on the following: 1) The Task Group to Review Alternative Institutional Arrangements for Space Station Research, under the auspices of the Space Studies Board and the Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board of the National Research Council, will release the study, "Institutional Arrangements for Space Station Research," at 5 p.m. on January 11, 2000. The Task Group, chaired by Dr. Cornelius J. Pings who is retired from the American Association of Universities, consisted of 13 members plus 1 ex officio member from academia, industry, and Government research and engineering organizations. The Task Group was organized in response to a request from management of the International Space Station research and held three meetings over the course of the study, beginning in May 1999 in Houston, TX, and two follow-on meetings in Washington, DC. 2) Dr. David Satcher, Assistant Secretary for Health and Surgeon General of the United States, will be the keynote speaker at the Office of Life and Microgravity Sciences and Applications' Sixth NASA Seminar Series on "Global Trends of Emerging Infectious and Non-Infectious Diseases." The presentation, broadcast to all Centers and internationally, will be in the ViTS Room, CD-61, on Friday, January 14, 2000, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. All Headquarters OIC's have been personally invited and asked to RSVP, due to limited seating space.

2. AI/Dr. Mulville

Dr. Mulville reported on the following: 1) Weekly health and safety topic-Health Vulnerability Assessment-was sent out on e-mail 10 days ago. The main message is that we as Senior Managers need to ensure that we have a good understanding of the health risks present at our Centers, and we need to have plans in place to deal with those risks. The writeup has some suggested questions for Senior Managers to ask as part of this assessment. 2) Twenty-five years ago this week, on January 14, 1975, Apollo-Soyuz Test Project members, Thomas P. Stafford, Donald K. Slayton, and Vance D. Brand, participated in a 9-hour exercise at KSC to test the Apollo spacecraft's internal systems, Earth-landing systems, and instrument packages.

3. Center Reports

DFRC/Petersen: Mr. Petersen reported that Mr. Goldin will be visiting the Center later today. GRC/Barna: Mr. Barna reported that four Ohio Northern University (ONU) students, with GRC's Robert Button as their mentor, have been awarded first prize in the 1999 Myron Zucker National Student Design Contest for their paper "Peak Power Tracker for NASA's Series Connected Boost Regulator." The students, as well as ONU's Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, received cash honoraria and certificates and have been invited to attend the national Industry Applications Society annual meeting in Phoenix, Arizona, to be recognized for their achievements and to present their paper. This signifies the important partnership between NASA engineers and university students. JSC/Abbey: Mr. Abbey reported on the following: 1) The International Space Station is performing well in orbit. 2) The STS-103 Space Shuttle mission crew debriefings are complete. 3) A Flight Readiness Review for the next mission, STS-99, is scheduled for next Tuesday, January 18. LaRC/Creedon: Dr. Creedon reported that Mr. Goldin visited the Center on Friday, January 7, with a congressional delegation. Mr. Goldin's speech was very well received. NOTE: ACTION ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE TRANSMITTED UNDER SEPARATE COVER AND TRACKED BY THE HEADQUARTERS CORRESPONDENCE MANAGEMENT OFFICE. SPECIFIC QUESTIONS MAY BE ADDRESSED TO JILL HOOVER @ (202) 358-0905.


Officials-in-Charge of NASA Headquarters Offices: AI/Dr. Mulville AB/Ms. Tagg AE/Mr. Hudkins (Acting) AF/Mr. Venneri AJ/Mr. Tam AO/Mr. Holcomb AS/Dr. Olsen B/Mr. Holz C/Mr. Christensen E/Mr. Reese F/Ms. Novak G/Mr. Frankle H/Mr. Luedtke I/Mr. Schumacher J/Mr. Sutton K/Mr. Thomas L/Mr. Heffernan M/Mr. Rothenberg P/Ms. Wilhide Q/Mr. Gregory R/Gen. Armstrong S/Dr. Weiler U/Dr. Nicogossian W/Ms. Gross Y/Dr. Asrar Z/Ms. Garver Directors, NASA Centers: ARC/Dr. McDonald DFRC/Mr. Petersen GRC/Mr. Campbell GSFC/Mr. Diaz JSC/Mr. Abbey KSC/Mr. Bridges LaRC/Dr. Creedon MSFC/Mr. Stephenson SSC/Mr. Estess Director, Jet Propulsion Laboratory: Dr. Stone cc: A/Ms. Roberts A/Ms. Landrus AB/Ms. Saldana AE/Ms. Moore AF/Ms. Eastman AI/Ms. Bloxon AI/Ms. Shaeffer AO/Ms. Wissinger AS/Ms. Simms C-3/Ms. Soper CIC/Analysts