The following documents the discussions addressed at the Senior Staff and
Center Directors’ Meeting on February 22, 2000. Mr. Goldin attended the
meeting. Action assignments have been placed in brackets [ ] for easy

1. AA Reports

B/Holz: Mr. Holz reported on the Senior Management Council (SMC) meeting
that was held on Friday, February 18. He encouraged the Center Directors
to mention to their CFO’s (Chief Financial Officers) that the 1999
Accountability Report is ready for printing, and he thanked all who
contributed. Ms. Gross, NASA’s Inspector General (IG) has concurred on
this report which is also being reviewed by the independent public
accounting firm, Arthur Andersen LLP.

E/Reese: Mr. Reese reported that Code U was mistakenly omitted from the
Functional Leadership Plan as a primary partner.

U/McCormick: Ms. McCormick reported on the following items: 1) A new
interactive exhibit by the HEDS (Human Exploration and Development of
Space) Enterprise premiered this weekend at the annual conference of the
American Association for the Advancement of Science. The exhibit, with
interactive CD workstations, allowed visitors to explore how NASA has used
the Space Shuttle to conduct 18 years of research and how our emphasis will
change in the era of the International Space Station (ISS) with year-round
research opportunities. 2) As part of the Agencywide skin cancer
prevention initiative called Solar Safe, which was announced last fall, KSC
will be the first Center to officially kick off its program. February 24
will be a day of presentations featuring Astronaut Jeff Ashby and prominent
officials from the American Cancer Society and the American Academy of
Dermatology. Each KSC employee received a letter from Center Director
Bridges encouraging their support and participation.

W/Gross: Ms. Gross reported that on February 17, 2000, a former employee
of Boeing Information Services (Boeing), Vienna, VA, and a former owner of
Eastern Tech Manufacturing (ETM), Columbia, MD, a Government contractor,
were indicted by a Federal grand jury for their participation in a
conspiracy of bid rigging, money laundering, and kick backs. In addition,
the indictment alleged a criminal forfeiture against both individuals for
$1,289,485. Neither Boeing nor its successor as a Headquarters contractor,
Science Applications International Corporation, were charged with any
wrongdoing, and both companies are cooperating with the investigation.
The investigation was conducted by the NASA Office of Inspector General
(OIG), the Naval Criminal Investigative Service, and the Federal Bureau
of Investigation.

P/Cleggett: Ms. Cleggett reported on the following items: 1) This is week
57 of the streak. NASA received air time on NBC and MSNBC on Monday night
with video showing weather-pattern changes around cities due to urban
sprawl and the heating that comes from asphalt, concrete, and having fewer
trees to shade the ground. 2) On Friday, February 18, ABC World News
Tonight broadcasted an ARC story on intelligent flight control using neural
nets. This software is intended to help pilots land crippled aircraft.
ABC interviewed ARC researcher Chuck Jorgensen. 3) There will be a news
release plus video file from LaRC on the NASA technology used in a fetal
heart monitor.

Y/Luther: Mr. Luther congratulated Code M, JSC, KSC, and JPL for the
successful SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission). He noted that 99.6
percent of the Earth’s topographical regions were mapped. There was a
95-percent double pass that collected 12 terabytes worth of data. The
Shuttle is scheduled to land this afternoon.

M/Rothenberg: Mr. Rothenberg also expressed his congratulations to the
SRTM team.

AO/Holcomb: Mr. Holcomb reported on the IT security panel that he will be
moderating tomorrow.

L/Kerwin: Ms. Kerwin reported that the House Floor is in recess until
February 29. The Senate is back from recess. Today, it will begin
consideration of bill H.R. 1883 Iran Non-Proliferation. This bill also
restricts payments to Russia. The Administration’s position has yet to be

J/Sutton: Mr. Sutton reported on the following items: 1) The OMB (Office
of Management and Budget) Circular A-50 required Agency management to
resolve all OIG and GAO (Government Accounting Office) audit
recommendations within 6 months after issuance of a final report. NASA
currently has 33 unresolved OIG audit recommendations which are past this
6-month mark. Code AO tracks these recommendations and regularly notifies
the Audit Liaison Representatives (at each Center and in each HQ Code) of
their status. Additionally, Mr. Sutton has begun scheduling meetings
between the cognizant Officials-in-Charge (OIC’s) and the OIG to seek
resolution specifically of these past due recommendations or, failing that,
to elevate them to the Audit Follow-up Official, who is now Dr. Mulville.
Recently, Dr. Weiler Associate Administrator (AA) for Space Science, Mr.
Luedtke, AA for Procurement, and Mr. Sutton met with Ms Gross regarding an
audit on the JPL Technology and Applications Program. This audit was
27-months old, and, in this meeting, they achieved a breakthrough that
enabled them to reach closure on the audit recommendations. More recently,
since Mr. Sutton is the owner of seven of these past-due
recommendations, ranging from logistics management to environmental
management, he and his staff met with Ms. Gross. By providing new details
on the corrective actions taken to date and negotiating some additional
steps to be taken, closure will be reached on seven recommendations by the
end of this week. Mr. Sutton noted that, when held at the AA level, these
can be very useful and productive sessions. Mr. Sutton stressed that he is
conveying this so that everyone will understand that, if they are called
next month for a meeting, Code J would like to dispose of all past-due
recommendations as soon as possible. The OIC’s were encouraged to check
with their Audit Liaison Representatives, or with Mr. Sutton after today’s
telecon, to see if they are on the list with past-due recommendations.

Z/Garver: Ms. Garver reported that the Strategic Management Handbook would
be available at on the HQ
Home Page later this week with hard copies to be distributed in mid-March.

C/Christensen: Mr. Christensen discussed plans for implementing his memo
of February 22, 2000, regarding System Safety and Associated Analyses
Training. Training will be held on March 8 and 10.

I/Schumacher: Mr. Schumacher reported that German Minister for Education
and Research, Edelgard Bulmahn, and General Director of the Russian
Aviation and Space Agency, Yuri Koptev, were in town last week. He wanted
to thank everyone for helping on these visits.

2. AI/Mulville

Dr. Mulville reported on the following items: 1) As a reminder, for future
SMC meetings, please ensure attendance at the entire meeting. Dr. Mulville
requested that if the AA’s and Center Directors can not attend for some
reason, he or she is to let their representative know to be there for the
entire time. 2) The Core Capability Assessment Team will meet this
Wednesday, February 23 (from 8 a.m. to 12 noon) to discuss the Core
Capability Strategy. The Capital Investment Council (CIC) will then meet
in 2 weeks (Thursday, March 9, from 1 to 4 p.m.) to discuss the outcome
from the Core Capability Assessment Team, as well as other budgetary
guidance. 3) Independent Annual Reviews for CXO (Chandra X-Ray
Observatory), Cassini, and SOMO (Space Operations Management Office) are
the topics of the Program Management Council meeting scheduled for next
Monday (February 28). 4) Last Friday, an SMC meeting was held to discuss
the Administrator’s guidance for the FY 2002 budget and the Functional
Offices’ Functional Leadership Plans. It was evident that a lot of hard
work and coordination has been accomplished. This will help in our overall
management of the Agency. Dr. Mulville thanked everyone for their efforts.
The next steps are for those Functional Offices with additional resources
requirements to obtain coordination signatures and present their requests
at the April CIC. For those that do not have additional resources
requirements, they should obtain coordination signatures and then schedule
a meeting with the Administrator for final review and approval. Remember,
this must be completed in time for the May ISO Registration Audit.

3. Center Reports

GRC/Barna: Mr. Barna reported on the following items: 1) A turbofan rotor
with externally supported nacelle was tested to 100.7 percent of fan design
speed in the GRC 9×15 Low Speed Wind Tunnel. The nacelle is externally
supported over a turbofan rotor, without stators, while maintaining a
constant tip clearance, using a unique active control system to support the
nacelle. This is the first time ever noise measurement of a rotor and
nacelle (without stators), allowing the fan noise source contributions
within a turbofan engine to be identified and quantified, enhancing the
understanding of noise generation, and allowing certification of noise
prediction computer programs for aircraft engines. This is part of the
Airframe Systems Base (previously, AST Noise Reduction Program). 2) A
single Stirling Technology Demonstrator Convertor (TDC) has successfully
passed workmanship (6.8g’s), flight acceptance (8.7g’s), and qualification
(12.3g’s) levels of random vibration testing over a frequency range of 20
to 2000 hertz. The random vibration levels were chosen to simulate, with
margin, the maximum anticipated launch vibration conditions. GRC and
Stirling Technology Company conducted these tests at the GRC’s Structural
Dynamics Laboratory in early December 1999 in conjunction with the
Department of Energy. The convertor has been shown to be a feasible and
efficient system for providing spacecraft onboard electric power for NASA’s
deep space missions.

JPL/Stone: Dr. Stone thanked everyone who helped to make the SRTM such a
success. He also thanked Code M, JSC, and the flight crew for their
special efforts in obtaining essentially complete mapping coverage during
the flight.

JSC/Abbey: Mr. Abbey reported on the following items: 1) The SRTM is
doing well. 2) Zarya and Unity are also doing well in orbit. 3) Today,
there are two landing opportunities at KSC and one at Edwards Air Force Base.

MSFC/Kennedy: Mr. Kennedy reported on the following items: 1) The
Independent Assessment Review of Chandra is scheduled for February 25. 2)
He noted that MSFC is winding down its activities for the observance of
Black History Month. He thanked Mr. Campbell for his participation. 3)
MSFC successfully hosted the Engineering Management Council last week.

SSC/Craig: Mr. Craig reported on the following items: 1) He discussed
various test activities relating to the X-33 Aerospike origins: A
175-second test was completed, and a 200-second test is scheduled for
February 28, 2000. 2) Colonel Heil of Arnold Engineering Development
Center (AEDC) will visit SSC on February 23 to further discuss the NASA/Air
Force cooperative-venture strategy. 3) Mr. Craig mentioned SSC’s Black
History Month events scheduled for February 24, 2000.

4. A/Goldin

Mr. Goldin congratulated the entire SRTM Team, noting that the mission was
spectacular. He was awed by the demonstration of teamwork and by the
adaptability of the teams. This is just one aspect of this spectacular
mission. Another aspect is the fact that the teams were able to extend an
extra 35 hours out of the propellant; this is testimony to how good those
folks are.

Regarding Black History Month, he emphasized that it is good to look back,
but we should look towards the future of the NASA work force to be the best
in the world. There will be 1,850 hires over the next 2 years. We will be
seeking excellence across the country, and we should not compartmentalize
our search for excellence. We will look for a work force with potential.
Mr. Goldin emphatically stated that, “By seeking the best now, in 10 to 20
years when we reflect back, NASA will be the ones who have written history!”

The Administrator’s Safety Message for the week was on Risk Management.
Mr. Goldin stressed the difference between risks that are acceptable and
risks that are unacceptable. An example of an acceptable risk is the use
of advanced technology. Taking appropriate steps to mature the technology
is also an acceptable risk. An example of an unacceptable risk is flying
an unproven technology on critical missions. He also noted that Risk
Management is not always high tech. Risk is anything that threatens
mission success. Risk Management is not just for space projects but should
also be applied to Functional Office initiatives. It is important for each
project to develop a “risk profile” which is worked at the beginning and
throughout the project. By keeping a list of the risks and developing
contingency plans, team members feel responsible for mitigating those
risks. More information on Risk Management is on the Web, and each Center
has a course on Risk Management. Mr. Goldin encouraged each executive to
spend time with his or her staff to discuss this topic.


Officials-in-Charge of NASA Headquarters Offices:
AI/Dr. Mulville
AB/Ms. Tagg
AC/Gen. Armstrong
AE/Mr. Keegan
AF/Mr. Venneri
AJ/Mr. Tam
AO/Mr. Holcomb
AS/Dr. Olsen
B/Mr. Holz
C/Mr. Christensen
E/Mr. Reese
F/Ms. Novak
G/Mr. Frankle
H/Mr. Luedtke
I/Mr. Schumacher
J/Mr. Sutton
K/Mr. Thomas
L/Mr. Heffernan
M/Mr. Rothenberg
P/Ms. Wilhide
Q/Mr. Gregory
R/Mr. Venneri
S/Dr. Weiler
U/Dr. Nicogossian
W/Ms. Gross
Y/Dr. Asrar
Z/Ms. Garver
Directors, NASA Centers:
ARC/Dr. McDonald
DFRC/Mr. Petersen
GRC/Mr. Campbell
GSFC/Mr. Diaz
JSC/Mr. Abbey
KSC/Mr. Bridges
LaRC/Dr. Creedon
MSFC/Mr. Stephenson
SSC/Mr. Estess
Director, Jet Propulsion Laboratory:
Dr. Stone
A/Ms. Roberts
A/Ms. Landrus
AB/Ms. Saldana
AE/Ms. Moore
AI/Ms. Shaeffer
AI/Ms. Bloxon
AO/Ms. Wissinger
AS/Ms. Simms
CIC/Ms. Grimes
CIC/Ms. Hoover
CIC/Ms. Coates
CIC/Ms. Fenner
CIC/Ms. Maynor
C-3/Ms. Soper