The following documents the discussions addressed at the Senior Staff and
Center Directors’ Meeting on April 10, 2000. Mr. Goldin did not attend
the meeting. Action assignments have been placed in brackets [ ] for
easy identification.

1. AA Reports

L/Rothman: Ms. Rothman reported on the following items: 1) There are
several hearings scheduled. On April 11, a hearing is scheduled on
aerospace activities with Sam Venneri as the NASA witness. Mr. Young and
Mr. Casani will testify on April 12, at 10 a.m. to the Full House Science
Committee. An appropriations hearing is scheduled for April 13. 2)
NASA plans a Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) signing ceremony with the
National Institutes of Health (NIH) (National Cancer Institute) on April
13. Seventy Members of Congress have been invited to the signing

E/Reese: Mr. Reese thanked all of the Center Directors and the
Enterprise Associate Administrators (AA’s) for their outstanding support
of the two conferences sponsored by the Office of Equal Opportunity

G/Frankle: Mr. Frankle reported on the following items: 1) The judge
in the Northrop Grumman case, a case in which Grumman alleged that NASA
breached both its contract with Grumman concerning Space Station systems
engineering and an oral contract Grumman claimed was created in the
Administrator’s meeting with the Space Station chief executive officers
(CEO’s), granted our motion for summary judgment in full. With regard to
the claim that an enforceable contract arose in the CEO’s meeting, the
judge found that “Plaintiff’s argument borders on the frivolous.”
Concerning the second part that there was a bad faith termination for
convenience of the Grumman contract, the court found that “we cannot
imagine a scenario in which a court could find that anyone acting with
authority on behalf of the United States did so in bad faith.” With this
decision, the case is over, unless Northrop Grumman decides to file an
appeal. NASA will know within 60 days. Mr. Frankle thanked all who
helped with the case, especially, Codes H and M, and JSC. 2) Code G
participated in the United Nations (U.N.) Legal Subcommittee of the
Committee on Peaceful Use of Outer Space. This subcommittee is becoming
more active and very interested in international orbital debris
standards, as well as in anything related to “commercialization.”
Commercialization means something very different to the nonspacefaring
world. Ideas like having international arbitration of launch contract
disputes are being floated as well as international supervision of
launches from international territory. NASA will probably need to pay
more attention to the U.N.’s interest in the legal aspects of activities
in outer space in the coming years.

F/Novak: Ms. Novak reported on the following items: 1) The
Governmentwide National Performance Review (NPR) employee survey,
conducted last fall, was released on March 31, and the results are on the
NASA and NPR Web sites. The purpose of the survey was to gain an
understanding of employees’ perspectives on reinvention efforts and
workplace issues. NASA did very well. The results indicate that of the
46 agencies surveyed, NASA had the most favorable responses in 15 of the
32 areas addressed by the survey in such areas as job satisfaction and
teamwork. Ms. Novak will brief the Senior Management Council (SMC) on
Wednesday, April 12. 2) The Senior Executive Service (SES) Survey was
released by OPM on April 7. The survey was conducted by OPM and the
Senior Executives Association last August and was mailed to more than
6,500 SES members. There were 2,500 responses (133 from NASA SES
members). From the survey, OPM is seeking to gain a better understanding
of the experience, qualifications, and attitudes of senior executives and
will use the survey’s findings to shape future SES policy. The Office of
Human Resources and Education will analyze the data.

Y/Luther: Mr. Luther thanked DFRC Director Kevin Peterson and JPL Deputy
Director Larry Dumas for supporting his visit to their Centers last

W/Gross: Ms. Gross reported that on April 3, a former employee of
Science Applications International Corporation, a NASA contractor
providing environmental support services at GRC, was charged with
accessing various unauthorized pornographic Internet Web sites and chat
rooms from a Government computer workstation and providing his computer
remote access system password to an unauthorized person. The individual
also gave his remote access password to his juvenile-aged son, enabling
the son to access the NASA GRC computer system from home, in violation of
the rules and regulations of NASA. The investigation was conducted by
Special Agents of the NASA Office of Criminal Investigations and Computer
Crimes Division and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

M/Hawes: Mr. Hawes reported that the STS-101 flight readiness review is
complete, and the targeted launch date is April 24.

P/Wilhide: Ms. Wilhide reported that the Public Affairs office expect to
issue a tech transfer release and two space science releases this week.
NASA-TV will cover the hearings.

2. AI/Mulville

Dr. Mulville reported on the following items: 1) The last Headquarters
ISO Leadership Committee Meeting before the May audit is scheduled to
meet on Tuesday, April 11, from 2:00-4:00 p.m. Deputy AA’s or their
representatives are required to attend. 2) The SMC is scheduled for
Wednesday, April 12, from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. There are many topics to cover,
so please make sure that you or your representative is prepared to stay
the duration.

3. Center Reports

ARC/Berry: Mr. Berry reported that the Center hosted over 600 scientists
from all over the world for the first Astrobiology Conference.

GRC/Campbell: Mr. Campbell reported that the “Home and Home” activities
were successful.

GSFC/McNally: Ms McNally reported that many visitors are at GSFC for the
10th Anniversary of the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Mission

JSC/Parsons: Mr. Parsons reported on the following items: 1) The
STS-101 mission has been reviewed, and the targeted launch date is April
24. 2) The White Sands Test Facility has received ISO 1400
environmental certification, the first NASA installation to accomplish
this outstanding feat.

MSFC/Stephenson: Mr. Stephenson reported on testing at the Center. He
stated that 11 of 22 sets of high-pressure fuel turbopumps from Pratt &
Whitney have been successfully tested.

SSC/Craig: Mr. Craig reported on the following items: 1) He advised on
the condition of SSC Director Roy Estess who had heart bypass surgery.
Mr. Estess is doing well. 2) He provided a brief summary of ongoing
test activity at SSC. 3) Mr. Craig also expressed thanks to Mr.
Gerstenmaier, Manager for Operations, Space Shuttle Vehicle Engineering
Office, JSC, for his recent visit to SSC. 2) SSC is looking forward to
the visit from AE/Brian Keegan and Orlando Figueroa on Friday.



Officials-in-Charge of NASA Headquarters Offices:

AI/Dr. Mulville
AB/Ms. Tagg
AC/Gen. Armstrong
AE/Mr. Keegan
AJ/Mr. Tam
AO/Mr. Holcomb
AS/Dr. Olsen
B/Mr. Holz
C/Mr. Christensen
E/Mr. Reese
F/Ms. Novak
G/Mr. Frankle
H/Mr. Luedtke
I/Mr. Schumacher
J/Mr. Sutton
K/Mr. Thomas
L/Mr. Heffernan
M/Mr. Rothenberg
P/Ms. Wilhide
Q/Mr. Gregory
R/Mr. Venneri
S/Dr. Weiler
U/Dr. Nicogossian
W/Ms. Gross
Y/Dr. Asrar
Z/Ms. Garver

Directors, NASA Centers:

ARC/Dr. McDonald
DFRC/Mr. Petersen
GRC/Mr. Campbell
GSFC/Mr. Diaz
JSC/Mr. Abbey
KSC/Mr. Bridges
LaRC/Dr. Creedon
MSFC/Mr. Stephenson
SSC/Mr. Estess

Director, Jet Propulsion Laboratory:

Dr. Stone
A/Ms. Roberts
AB/Ms. Saldana
AE/Ms. Moore
AI/Ms. Shaeffer
AI/Ms. Bloxon
AO/Ms. Wissinger
AS/Ms. Simms
AT/Ms. Landrus
CIC/Ms. Grimes
CIC/Ms. Hoover
CIC/Ms. Coates
CIC/Ms. Fenner
CIC/Ms. Maynor
C-3/Ms. Soper