House action is first step towards meeting the community’s $80.1 million request for NASA Glenn

Two weeks following the unveiling of
the business community’s Action Plan to expand the role and secure funding for
NASA Glenn Research Center, $47 million was restored for the Center by the
Veterans, Housing and Independent Agencies Subcommittee of the U.S. House
Appropriations Committee.

“We’re very encouraged,” said John Lewis, chairman of the Ohio Aerospace
Council (OAC).
“This is a good down payment on securing a viable future.
we know we have a lot more work to do.”

Late last month, Lewis, along with former Senator John Glenn, Gov. Bob
Taft, Senators Mike DeWine and George Voinovich, Growth Association President
and CEO Dennis Eckart and AFL-CIO Executive Secretary John Ryan called on the
Greater Cleveland community to join in a concerted effort to promote NASA
Glenn’s successes and potential, and persuade lawmakers of the importance of
NASA Glenn and its work.
An Action Plan calling for $80.1 million in funding
and the designation of NASA Glenn as a Lead Center in four areas
(microgravity, in-space propulsion, aerospace communications and
biotechnology) was unveiled at the heels of an announcement of a proposed
$52 million cut to the Center’s budget.

“We thank Congressman Dave Hobson and Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur for
championing this cause for Northeast Ohio’s future,” added Lewis.
Hobson and
Kaptur, members of the Ohio congressional delegation, are members of the

“This is what we can accomplish when business, labor and elected officials
come together, but the community’s work is far from finished,” said Eckart.

Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs-Jones is working to activate the
Congressional Black Caucus to call attention to NASA Glenn’s outstanding
record with regard to working with minority suppliers.
Congressmen Brown, LaTourette and Kucinich continue to play a crucial role in
working to secure funding for NASA Glenn.

Below is a break down of the restored funds:

    * $35 million increase for the fluids and combustion facility at NASA
      Glenn bringing the total budget up to $52 million
    * $7.5 million increase for the Ultra Efficient Engine Technology program
      bringing the total budget up to $47.5 million
    * $1.5 million for the Glennan Microsystems Initiative
    * $3 million for Polymer Energy Rechargeable Systems

NASA Glenn has a total economic impact of about $1 billion annually and
total employment impact of more than 12,000 jobs.
The Center directly employs
close to 3,500 highly skilled, educated civil servants and contractors.

The Ohio Aerospace Council is an independent non-profit organization
allied with the Greater Cleveland Growth Association.
Its mission is to
maintain and increase visibility of NASA Glenn and its corporate partners
among members of Congress; develop a coordinated statewide aerospace agenda
and support a NASA budget with the greatest benefit to Ohio; and increase the
community’s awareness of the value of NASA Glenn.

The Greater Cleveland Growth Association is the nation’s largest
metropolitan chamber of commerce with more than 16,500 members.
Its mission
is to serve as a catalyst for economic growth and jobs creation in Northeast
The Growth Association is committed to enhancing Greater Cleveland’s
competitive advantage through leadership, collaboration and innovation.
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