What: MIDEX AO Pre-Proposal Conference The National Aeronautics and
Space Administration (NASA) Office of Space Science (OSS) has released a
NASA Announcement of Opportunity (AO 01-OSS-03), for the Explorer
Program: Medium-class Explorers (MIDEX) and Missions of Opportunity.
NASA intends to select two MIDEX missions to launch by March 2007 and
March 2008. A Mission of Opportunity, long duration balloon mission, or
International Space Station mission may also be selected. The science
objectives covered by the AO include those in the currently defined OSS
science themes of the Astronomical Search for Origins, the Sun-Earth
Connection, and the Structure and Evolution of the Universe. Refer to
the OSS World Wide Web homepage at http://spacescience.nasa.gov/ for
further information about these themes. Participation is open to all
categories of organizations, foreign and domestic, including industry,
educational institutions, nonprofit organization, NASA centers, and
other Government agencies. This solicitation will be open from July 16,
2001, through October 12, 2001.

When/Where: In support of this AO, a Pre-Proposal Conference and
Technology Exhibit will be held at the University of Maryland Inn and
Conference Center on August 10, 2001. 

For registration information: See
http://explorer.larc.nasa.gov/explorer/mppconf01.html or call Kathy
Regul at 301-345-3211, x106