Following the French Government’s decision to appoint Bernard Bigot as High Commissioner for Nuclear Energy, Claudie Haigneré-Minister for Research and New Technologies-has chosen Philippe Braidy to replace Bigot as her Office Director and Deputy Director of Luc Ferry’s Office.

Philippe Braidy had been appointed as CNES Financial Director on 10 March 2003, where he reported directly to Yannick d’Escatha, CNES President. In the space of just four months, he made a significant contribution to the French space agency by preparing CNES’s new programmes and budget for the 2003-2005 period-presented to the Board of Directors on 30 April-and by analysing launcher industry business plans in preparation for the EGAS programme-presented at the ESA Ministerial Council meeting of 27 May.

Yannick d’Escatha has decided to replace Braidy by Michel Lefevre, former Deputy Administrator at the French atomic energy commission CEA. Michel Lefevre was previously Inspector General, Financial Director and Director General in various companies and establishments.

The CNES President has thanked Michel Lefevre for accepting his new position in CNES, where he begins work on 1 August 2003.

Contact presse : Eliane Moreaux : Tel : –

Sites Internet du CNES : et


Born on 26 November 1944 in Paris, married with 3 children.


Technical high school (Lycée Technique de Puteaux), graduate from the University of Paris IX Dauphine and Business school (Centre de Perfectionnement aux Affaires)


1965 – 1973 Citroën automobile employee

1973 – 1990 Management inspector, Administrative and Financial Director then Company Director of Framatome, USSI Ingénierie and Creusot Loire Industrie

1990 – 2003 French atomic energy commission CEA:

Deputy Director of Advanced Technology and the Saclay Centre

Director, Pierrelatte and Marcoule centres

Deputy Administrator, CEA

Inspector General

Michel Lefevre is also the Administrator in various companies, Engineering schools and an associate member of a Chamber of Trade and Industry.


Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur, Chevalier du Mérite National and Chevalier des Palmes Académiques.