This Saturday marks the 244th anniversary of the founding of our nation. As we commemorate this 4th of July holiday, celebrations may feel different from years past, but it remains an opportunity to recognize the freedom afforded us by America’s grand experiment in self-government. 
The idea of “certain unalienable rights” from the Declaration of Independence forms the cornerstone of our country. However imperfectly we have lived up to this idea, we know that it is right, and that future progress depends on us protecting the rights of all.
NASA’s history and accomplishments embody the principles of liberty that make America exceptional. Our success and strength stem from bringing together a diverse, and exceptionally talented group of individuals who exemplify excellence in everything we do. We have touched the farthest reaches of our solar system and unlocked some of the greatest secrets of science and technology. Our efforts continue to inspire humanity and improve the human condition around the globe.
Friday, July 3 is a federal holiday in recognition of Independence Day. Furthermore, I have delegated authority to Officials-in-Charge and Center Directors to dismiss employees up to four hours early on Thursday, July 2, provided their absence does not interfere with essential operations.
I wish you all a safe and enjoyable Independence Day holiday!
Ad Astra,
Jim Bridenstine