Every year the Memorial Day weekend is dedicated to the memory of the brave men and women who have made the supreme sacrifice in the advancement of liberty.

The events of the past year have also demonstrated how much we owe to the outstanding men and women of our armed services. Whether serving in Operation Iraqi Freedom and in other important peacekeeping roles, or helping to fight terrorism, the men and women who wear our nation’s uniform have honored America.

Among those gallant individuals, we are very proud that 48 of our NASA colleagues have put their lives on hold in the past year to serve overseas or stateside in active military reserve units. Twenty-seven NASA employees are currently serving. We owe so much to all these outstanding men and women and to their families.

Within the NASA family, let us also recall that of the Columbia crew, Colonel Rick Husband, Commander Willie McCool, Lieutenant Colonel Mike Anderson, Captain Dave Brown, and Captain Laurel Clark served their country with distinction wearing the uniform of the United States.

Indeed, they and Dr. Kalpana Chawla and Israeli Colonel Ilan Ramon made the ultimate sacrifice in their dedication to advancing the human condition by exploring. This day, and every day, we must remember their professional dedication to larger national purpose in their service to the public.

It is only fitting that we pause over this long weekend to honor and recognize the service of our colleagues. Specifically, on the traditional observance of Memorial Day, Monday, May 31, a National Moment to Remember will take place at 3 p.m. EDT. Americans are invited to pause for a moment of silence wherever they may be. I encourage you to participate in this solemn moment, as well as in other appropriate Memorial Day ceremonies.

Learn more about the moment of silence at http://www.remember.gov/

Also this weekend, on Saturday May 29, a grateful nation honors those who served to preserve freedom with the dedication of the World War II Memorial on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. NASA salutes the men and women of our “greatest generation” including those members of our predecessor organization, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA).

NACA-sponsored research contributed to the Allies’ decisive air power in all theaters of the war. We will be recognizing NACA’s contributions to the war effort with a lobby display at NASA Headquarters.

I hope you have a safe and enjoyable Memorial Day weekend with your friends and families, as we take time to enjoy the blessings of our freedom and also remember with gratitude those who have made the ultimate sacrifice.

Sean O’Keefe
NASA Administrator