On Wednesday, March 24 at 5:30 p.m., satellite industry executives will
discuss the Bush Administration’s Spectrum Policy Initiative and what
impact it will have on the commercial satellite industry. The spectrum
contributes to economic growth and scientific discovery and is critical
to the ability of first responders to react to natural disasters and
terrorist attacks. It is essential to the military’s ability to fulfill
its mission of protecting our nation and satellites play a critical role
in all of these applications.

The radio frequency spectrum is a vital and limited national resource.
Recent years have witnessed an explosion of spectrum-based technologies
and the existing legal and policy framework for spectrum management has
not kept pace. President Bush signed an Executive Memorandum creating
the Spectrum Policy Initiative to develop recommendations for improving
spectrum management policies and procedures.

What: Panel Discussion: The President’s Spectrum Policy Initiative:
Should Satellites Be Worried?

When: Wed. March 24, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.

Where: 2325 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, D.C.


  • Fred Wentland, National Telecommunications & Information Administration
  • Jennifer Warren, Lockheed-Martin
  • Pat Mahoney, Iridium Satellite LLC


  • Richard Dalbello – Satellite Industry Association

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