Contact: Harvey Leifert
+1 (202) 777-7507

The Walter Sullivan Award for Excellence in Science Journalism – Features and the David Perlman Award for Excellence in Science Journalism – News are presented annually by the American Geophysical Union to honor excellent reporting in the Earth and space sciences. Work in all news media, except books, is eligible, and submissions are welcome from any country and in any language. (Entries not originally in English must be accompanied by an English translation.)

All entries for the 2006 awards must be received at AGU by the deadline, 15 November 2005. Entries must have been first published between 1 November 2004 and 31 October 2005.

Do not rely on this announcement alone. The authoritative statement of rules for both awards may be found at, which also provides links to lists of past winners and to the Nomination Form.

The Sullivan and Perlman Awards consist of a plaque and $2,000 stipend. They will be presented on 24 May at the Honors Ceremony during 2006 Joint Assembly in Baltimore, Maryland.

For further information, please contact Harvey Leifert (see above).