Terry Virts, from Columbia, Md., will make his first journey into orbit on space shuttle Endeavour’s next mission to the International Space Station. The STS-130 flight is targeted to launch in early February from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Virts is available for interviews about the mission until Friday, Jan. 15.

Virts is the pilot of the 13-day flight to deliver the Tranquility pressurized module, which will provide room for much of the space station’s life support systems.

Endeavour’s flight will begin what is planned to be the final year of space shuttle operations, during which five shuttle missions are planned. The last flight currently is targeted to launch in September 2010.

To cover the STS-130 launch on-site, reporters must request credentials for Kennedy by Jan. 22. Media representatives should submit requests online at: https://media.ksc.nasa.gov/

Reporters interested in interviews with Virts should contact Gayle Frere at 281-483-8645 by Jan. 7 to reserve an opportunity.

For Virts’ complete biography, visit: http://www.jsc.nasa.gov/Bios/htmlbios/virts-tw.html

For the latest information about the STS-130 mission and crew, visit: http://www.nasa.gov/shuttle

For the current schedule of remaining shuttle flights, visit: http://www.nasa.gov/stationflights

The public can learn how to view a shuttle launch or landing in Florida at: http://www.nasa.gov/centers/kennedy/about/view

CONTACT: Katherine Trinidad, Headquarters, Washington, +1-202-358-1100, katherine.trinidad@nasa.gov, or Allard Beutel, Kennedy Space Center, Fla., +1-321-867-2468, allard.beutel@nasa.gov, both of NASA