Media Advisory: 00-187

Attention: News Department
Audio from NASA
Available now via phone or

Experts find direct link
between lightning flash rates and
tornadoes; space research may improve
severe weather predictions, save lives

  • The goals: More precise severe storm forecasts equal earlier
    warnings equal saving lives.
  • NASA’s Lightning Imaging Sensor onboard the Tropical Rainfall
    Measuring Mission satellite tracks lightning strikes and their
    relationship to storms worldwide.
  • Research shows direct ties between dramatically increased
    cloud-to-cloud lightning flash rates before tornadoes form.
    Nearly a dozen cases show a connection.

  • The findings may help weather forecasters predict developing
    tornadoes more accurately and lower the number of false
  • Talk to a lightning expert about the research and how it could
    affect weather predictions.

                                                               Sound bites–varying lengths
                                                               Call (256) 544-6397 (NEWS) or
                                                               Download direct via the Web at:
                                For extended interviews
                                more information:
                                                               PAO NAME, Media Relations
                                                               (256) 544-0034
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