Preparation continues on schedule for the launch of NASA’s 2001 Mars Odyssey
aboard a Delta II launch vehicle on Saturday, April 7, at 11:02:22 a.m. EDT.

Today’s forecast indicates less than a 5 percent chance of weather violation
for Saturday’s launch attempt. The weather report calls for visibility of
at least 10 miles; winds from the southeast at 10 peaking to 15 knots;
temperature at 81 degrees F and relative humidity at 60 percent.

At Launch Pad 17A, the Delta’s 2nd stage propellant loading was completed
Wednesday and spacecraft closeouts are in work today.

The Mars Odyssey Prelaunch News Conference is scheduled for Friday, April 6,
at 1 p.m. and the Mission Science Briefing will follow at 2 p.m. Both
events will be carried live on NASA TV. NASA TV begins live coverage of
launch day activities at 9:30 a.m. April 7.