After a premature announcement of his demise, Mark Twain famously observed that “The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.”

This past week, The Space Frontier Foundation committed a similar mistake, releasing a statement that erroneously contended our annual March Storm event was allowed to “fade away”.

Nothing could be further from the truth. ProSpace is an organization that is moving forward with strength and vision. And our trademark event, March Storm, remains the single most respected space activist event in Washington.

ProSpace did make an operational decision not to hold the event in 2009. In consultation with members of the House and Senate, the Obama administration and our membership, we determined that the singular focus on the dire state of the economy would obscure our message. Other organizations made other determinations, but the leadership of ProSpace stands by our decision and knows it to be the right one. The success of our fourteen previous March Storm events is evident and a source of pride for our members.

The leading indicator of that success is the fact that a number of other organizations decided to follow our lead and hold similar events in the same time frame as ProSpace. We have always encouraged those other space groups to come to Washington to advance their organizational agendas and likewise applaud the proposed efforts of the Space Frontier Foundation. Our singular requirement is that they create an original name and identity for their event that does not imply the endorsement of ProSpace.

March Storm will remain the trademark event for ProSpace. We will be announcing our plan for 2010 shortly. It is an exciting time and we promise an exciting March Storm. Join us!


Winn Phillips
Executive Director
ProSpace America, Inc
Tel: (202) 683-7490

About ProSpace

It is the mission of the members of ProSpace to: