Come join us!!!

Dear friends,

Here’s your chance to make your voice heard on Capitol Hill!!! Every
year, ProSpace holds an exciting event in Washington called March Storm.
During that week, private citizens from all across the nation come
together to brief our leaders on our Citizens Space Agenda. And we’d
like to invite you to join us.

You’ll find complete registration information below – or just visit our
website at:

Here’s what we’ll be talking to Congress about this year.

The 2002 Citizens’ Space Agenda: A Summary

1) NASA Reforms:

In order to perform its mission more effectively, NASA needs to change
the way it does business. Among the reforms we will be talking about:

A) A full cost-accounting and accountability system;

B) Shuttle Privatization;

C) An independent Center and Program Realignment and Closure
Commission to examine all NASA efforts;

D) Data Purchase: Increased use of private sector capabilities
to provide science data as specified in the Commercial Space
Act of 1998;

E) Funding reform: Assuring that appropriated funds make their
way to the programs for which they were intended.

2) Tax Incentives for Space Investment:

Many agree that the time is long past to begin the transition from a
government-centric space effort to one that is based in the private
sector and is primarily driven by free market principles. So, how do we
begin that transition from government-led design and direct government
investment to one led by the private sector? How can we shake some
investment loose so that we can get this show on the road?

Currently, there are three bills under consideration by the Congress
that will help do just that:

A) The Invest In Space Now Act (HR 2177): This bill provides
investment incentives for a new generation of space

B) The Zero Gravity, Zero Tax Act (HR 2504): Provides a tax
holiday for all new space markets;

C) The Spaceport Equality Act (S 1243/HR 1931): Provides
tax-free bonding authority for spaceports, the same authority
available for airports and seaports.

3) Asteroid Threat Identification and Mitigation:

On January 7th of this year, an asteroid the size of three football
fields missed the earth by just over 500,000 miles. What makes this
event even more important is that this object was discovered just two
weeks earlier.

This report and others like it point up the need to significantly
increase research of Near Earth Objects in an effort to identify and
track any such asteroids which pose a possible threat. And we need to
start planning a course of action to deal with threats once they are

To that end, ProSpace is working with experts in the field to put
together a long-term research proposal for the consideration of our
leaders in Washington.

This year, March Storm will be held in Washington, D.C. during the week
of March 9-13, 2002. On behalf of ProSpace America, I invite you to join
us for what may be the most important March Storm ever — and the most

“You people are better than professional lobbyists. You tell me the
truth!” — Congressional staffer, March Storm 1999

Three Days on Capitol Hill – Join Us for March Storm 2002!!!

This year, March Storm will comprise three days of briefings on Capitol
Hill. Learn more about March Storm and ProSpace by visiting our website
(go to Or use the handy email
registration form below and return it to Tony DeTora, March Storm
Director, at

In either case, complete information will be returned to you as soon as
we receive your request. And feel free to contact us with any questions
you might have.

See you in Washington in March!!!


Marc Schlather


ProSpace: The Citizens’ Space Lobby


To participate in March Storm, you must:

1) Have fun! (It’s mandatory.)

2) Support the Citizens Space Agenda we are presenting to Congress.

3) Participate in the “Training & Orientation” on Sunday, March 10,
starting at 8:30 a.m.

4) Spend at least one full day on Capitol Hill during March 11th
through March 13th.

5) Be 18 years of age or older. Minors under the age of 18 must be
accompanied by a parent or an adult with legal responsibility for the
conduct and safety of the minor. ProSpace will not assume responsibility
for the conduct and safety of minors.

6) Participate as a *citizen* of the United States, and not on behalf
of any corporation, special interest, the armed forces, NASA, or as a
citizen of another country.

7) Be clean, well-groomed, well-dressed, and presentable:
For Men: dress shoes, dress slacks, long-sleeve shirt, tie and jacket are
required (suits suggested).
For Women: dress shoes, dress skirt or slacks, and business blouse. Jacket
optional. Sorry, uniforms are not permitted.

8) Agree to conduct yourself in a respectful manner, and be supportive
of others on the March Storm team.

9) Study the policy materials you will receive before coming to
Washington, D.C.

10) Agree to represent the Citizens’ Space Agenda ONLY when on Capitol
Hill during March Storm. Personal agendas or active promotion of your
company, organization or group is not permitted.


Mark (“X”) or fill-in the blanks and email to

1) Full Name:

Mailing Address:

Home Phone:

Work Phone:

Email Address:

Member of Congress:

2) I am a U.S. Citizen: Yes ( ), No ( ).

3) As of March 10, 2002, I will be 18 years old, or older: Yes ( ), No ( ).

4) Registration category:

( )Regular $75.00 (Prior to March 1st)

$95.00 (After March 1st)

( )Student $25.00 (Prior to March 1st)

$35.00 (After March 1st)


5) I will participate in:

Sunday (March 10) Training & Orientation (REQUIRED):

8:30 a.m. – 6 p.m.., Registration opens at 8 a.m.

Required for all participants.

Yes ( ), No ( ).

Congressional briefings on… (mark with an “X”).

At least one full day is Required.

Mon (3/11):

Tue (3/12):

Wed (3/13):

6) Recruited by (optional):

**IMPORTANT NOTE: All applications for participation in March Storm
2002 are provisional until accepted by the Board of Directors of
ProSpace America, Inc.