Today, Challenger Center President and CEO Lance Bush joined New York State Senator Robert Ortt, Lockport Mayor Anne E. McCaffrey and the Challenger Learning Center of Lockport team for the official grand opening celebration, ribbon cutting and community open house.

“On behalf of the Challenger families, our distinguished board of directors, our staff in DC, and our community of Challenger Learning Centers around the globe, I thank you for your dedication to our mission. I thank you for helping to keep the legacy of our Challenger Crew alive, and I applaud you all for demonstrating such an incredible commitment to your students and the future of Lockport,” said Bush during his remarks at the ceremony.

The Challenger Learning Center of Lockport, a community resource for science, technology, engineering and math education, will serve students in Orleans, Niagara, and Erie counties.

Learn more about Challenger Learning Center of Lockport.