Officials at Lockheed Martin’s
Consolidated Space Operations Contract (CSOC) announced today the appointment
of new associate program managers at two of the five of the NASA centers it
serves. The appointment of these individuals continues CSOC’s recent
reorganization, which places operational and financial responsibilities for
elements of the contract at each of the NASA centers, while maintaining
overall contract management responsibility in Houston.

CSOC’s new associate program manager at Marshall Space Flight Center
(MSFC) is Grady Sherman Jobe. He most recently served as a corporate vice
president for bd Systems in Huntsville, Alabama. Jobe has more than 40 years
of experience serving in numerous management positions at MSFC and has
extensive experience working with NASA and the Department of Defense.

Brian Duffy has been appointed as CSOC’s associate program manager at
Kennedy Space Center. A former NASA space shuttle astronaut, Air Force colonel
and test pilot, Duffy most recently served as the deputy director (acting) at
Johnson Space Center (JSC).

Under the reorganization, CSOC is decentralizing management of its
operations, focusing responsibility, authority, accountability and budget
authority to CSOC management at each NASA center it supports, namely Goddard
Space Flight Center (GSFC), Greenbelt, Maryland; Jet Propulsion Laboratory
(JPL), Pasadena, California; Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas; Kennedy
Space Center, Cape Canaveral, Florida; and Marshall Space Flight Center,
Huntsville, Alabama.

Three of CSOC’s center-based associate program managers were announced

The associate program manager assigned to GSFC is Phil Johnson, who has
assumed responsibility for three CSOC service-providing operations: GSFC
Mission Services, the Space Network and the Ground Network. Prior to joining
Lockheed Martin in 1998, he served in a number of senior management positions
for AlliedSignal Technical Services Corporation.

CSOC’s associate program manager at JPL is Isaac Gillam. Gillam has more
than 40 years of experience in the aerospace industry, including in-depth
experience working with the Department of Defense, the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration and NASA.

CSOC’s associate program manager for JSC is Dan Brandenstein.
Brandenstein was commander of three space shuttle missions and served as chief
of the astronaut office at JSC. Prior to joining Lockheed Martin in 1999,
Brandenstein held positions at Loral Space Information Systems and Kistler

“We are extremely pleased to have such an exceptionally qualified group of
associate program managers leading CSOC’s activities,” said Doug Tighe,
Lockheed Martin’s program manager for CSOC. “Under their leadership, CSOC will
be able to maximize performance and cost savings and enhance responsiveness to
our customers. These changes will allow CSOC to better meet NASA’s overall
goals for CSOC. ”

CSOC is a $3-billion-plus contract awarded by NASA to Lockheed Martin, who
serves as the prime contractor to provide end-to-end space operations and
Mission and Data Services to both NASA and non-NASA customers. CSOC manages
NASA’s data collection, telemetry and communications operations that support
Earth-orbiting satellites, planetary exploration, and human space flight
activities. Services include data acquisition from spacecraft, data
transmission to end-users, data processing and storage, ground and space
communications, and mission control center operations.

Lockheed Martin Space Operations (LMSO) is a business unit of Lockheed
Martin Technology Services headquartered in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. LMSO, a
high-tech engineering and science services firm, employs about 4,000
engineers, scientists and support personnel.
Services include managing CSOC;
software and hardware engineering for the Space Shuttle and International
Space Station; mission operations and planning systems design, development,
and integration; and human life sciences research.