For the first time during
the ascent-phase of flight, Lockheed Martin’s Aegis Weapon System successfully
intercepted a ballistic missile target in the exo-atmosphere. The Aegis
Weapon System, aboard the guided missile cruiser USS Lake Erie (CG 70), and
range sensors confirmed a direct hit of the missile target over the Pacific

Today’s test marks the third time this year that the Aegis Weapon System
successfully guided a Standard Missile-3 to a ballistic missile target. The
previous tests, in January and June, intercepted during the descent phase.

“This test was another critical step in the United States’ ongoing sea-
based ballistic missile defense efforts,” said Fred Moosally, president of
Lockheed Martin’s Naval Electronics & Surveillance Systems (NE&SS).
“Destroying a threat missile in its ascent phase is an important milestone,
and once again the proven surveillance, tracking and fire control capability
of the Aegis Weapon System has met the challenge.”

Today’s test, Flight Mission (FM)-4, part of the Aegis Ballistic Missile
Defense Program, is a stepping-stone toward the Navy’s goal of a ballistic
missile defense capability for Aegis-equipped ships. This sea-based defense
system is an element of the Ballistic Missile Defense System and is intended
to provide regional protection against medium- to long-range ballistic
missiles for joint forces, seaports, inland airfields, vital political and
military assets and population centers.

The Aegis Weapon System, developed by Lockheed Martin for the U.S. Navy,
includes the SPY-1 radar, the Navy’s most advanced computer-controlled radar
system. When paired with the Lockheed Martin-developed MK 41 Vertical Launch
System, it is capable of delivering missiles for every mission and threat
environment in naval warfare.

The SPY-1 multi-function phased array radar, available worldwide to meet
the mission needs for a range of ships from corvettes to aircraft carriers,
provides U.S. and allied nations with the world’s most advanced naval
surveillance, anti-warfare and missile defense capabilities.

Aegis is currently deployed on 64 U.S. Navy cruisers and destroyers on
station around the globe, and at least 26 more ships are currently planned.
Aegis is the primary naval weapon system for Japan, it is part of two European
ship construction programs – the Spanish F-100 and the Norwegian New Frigate –
and the Republic of Korea recently selected Aegis for its newest class of

The test was sponsored by the Missile Defense Agency. FM-4 was the sixth
in a series of planned flight tests that progressively show the Aegis Combat
System’s ability to successfully engage and intercept a ballistic missile.

As the leading technology solutions provider and integrator to the U.S.
government, Lockheed Martin focuses on the defense, information technology and
homeland security requirements of the military services and civil agencies.
The corporation’s advanced technology solutions draw on world-class
capabilities in systems engineering and integration, complex project
management, software development and information technology. These align with
emerging homeland security requirements for enhanced command and control,
threat information alert and exchange, border control, critical infrastructure
protection and emergency management and incident response. Lockheed Martin
Corporation is headquartered in Bethesda, MD.

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