Lockheed Martin Corporation
today announced a plan to establish an advanced Propulsion,
Thermal, and Metrology Center at the John C. Stennis Space Center,

The plan represents a partnership between Lockheed Martin’s Space Systems
and Technology Services companies, the State of Mississippi, Hancock County,
and NASA. Lockheed Martin Space Systems will operate the Propulsion and
Thermal functions of the Center. Lockheed Martin Technology Services will be
responsible for the Metrology portion of the Center. Both will be housed in
the same facility, with construction to start soon and operations expected to
begin in the Fall of 2001. Approximately 270 jobs will be created at the
center. These jobs reflect the projected needs of the two Lockheed Martin
companies and their potential suppliers.

“We are proud to partner with the State of Mississippi in creating new
jobs for the 21st Century,” said Lockheed Martin Chief Executive Officer,
Vance Coffman. “This Center of Excellence will allow the Corporation to
achieve economies of scale by serving multiple sites with standard processes
and strategic partnerships with our suppliers. I want to thank all those
involved in making this a reality.”

“We are excited about the opportunity to work cooperatively with the State
of Mississippi and NASA on a project that will bring high-tech jobs to the
region and allow us to better serve our customers,” said Albert E. Smith,
executive vice president, Lockheed Martin Space Systems. “We have been pleased
by the warm reception and constructive business climate in the state, and look
forward to moving ahead on this initiative.”

Added Mike Camardo, executive vice president of Lockheed Martin Technology
Services, “We appreciate the support of Mississippi, Hancock County, and NASA
officials for a project that will consolidate world class metrology expertise
to serve our corporation and a growing base of customers in government and
commercial markets. It is a win-win for Lockheed Martin and the people of

Activities performed in the approximate 220,000-square-foot center will
include the production of propulsion systems, such as thrusters, used for
satellites and other spacecraft produced by Lockheed Martin Space Systems. The
thermal control systems produced at the facility will protect space vehicles
from the extreme temperatures of the space environment. These systems include
thermal “blankets,” heat pipes, radiators, and engine heat shields. Metrology
refers to the science of measurement, and this center will be responsible for
the highest level of “primary standards” in the extremely precise calibration
of test equipment and tools. The Metrology Center, located within the same
facility, will be operated by Lockheed Martin Technical Operations, an
operating unit of Lockheed Martin Technology Services.

The State of Mississippi and Hancock County will partner with Lockheed
Martin in the specialized training required for those hired to work at the
center. Lockheed Martin officials cited the proximity to NASA’s propulsion
center of excellence — also based at Stennis — as critical to the decision
to consolidate its world class capabilities in one place. The result will be
better service to the Corporation’s customers. “Being very near to a related
facility operated by one of our most important customers will allow for close
communications and faster response,” Smith said.

The new center combines satellite propulsion activities to support the
Space Systems Company’s principal sites including operations in Sunnyvale, CA
and Denver, CO.

Headquartered in Bethesda, Maryland, Lockheed Martin is a global
enterprise principally engaged in the research, design, development,
manufacture and integration of advanced-technology systems, products and
The Corporation’s core businesses are systems integration, space,
aeronautics, and technology services.
Lockheed Martin had 1999 sales
surpassing $25 billion.

For more information about Lockheed Martin Corporation, please visit the
Web site at: http://www.lockheedmartin.com.