System Required to Launch First GEO Satellite Ready Three Months Early

The Lockheed Martin team developing the Space-Based Infrared System (SBIRS) has successfully delivered key ground segment software to support the launch of the program’s first geosynchronous (GEO-1) satellite. SBIRS will provide the nation with greatly enhanced missile warning capabilities and support other vital mission areas simultaneously including missile defense, technical intelligence and battlespace characterization.

Lockheed Martin Information Systems & Global Services builds and maintains the SBIRS ground segment. The software block, known as GEO Early On-Orbit Test (GEOT-D) was delivered to Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company, Sunnyvale, Calif., prime contractor for the SBIRS program, three months ahead of schedule. This is the first software delivery capable of supporting a GEO launch.

“With the completion of this milestone, the Lockheed Martin SBIRS Ground Segment team has illustrated its continued focus on customer satisfaction,” said John Mengucci, president of the Mission & Combat Support Solutions business unit. “We are on schedule and well-positioned to continue to meet program commitments.”

The GEOT-D software, which includes 1.6 million source lines of code, provides functionality for launch of the GEO-1 satellite. Subsequent ground segment deliveries will provide capabilities for early orbit testing and initial GEO operations, followed by the full capabilities block to operate the Defense Support Program, and SBIRS highly elliptical orbit (HEO) and GEO spacecraft constellation. Each of these operational blocks will provide new surveillance capabilities to the warfighter.

Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company and payload subcontractor Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems, Azusa, Calif., are developing SBIRS for the U.S. Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center. Air Force Space Command operates the SBIRS system. “As a result of sustained energy and focus, our team has greatly improved program execution, completed key milestones on time and is on a continuous effort to improve quality,” said Mark Crowley, Lockheed Martin SBIRS vice president and program manager. “SBIRS will deliver revolutionary new detection and surveillance capabilities and we look forward to achieving mission success for our customer.”

Lockheed Martin is currently under contract to provide two HEO payloads and two GEO satellites, as well as the ground-based assets to receive and process the infrared data. The first HEO payload has completed initial on- orbit deployment and checkout and demonstrated that its performance meets or exceeds specifications.

Development of GEO-1 is progressing following a successful completion of spaceraft bus engineering thermal vacuum testing. The GEO 1 payload is currently in the midst of thermal vacuum protoqualification testing at Northrop Grumman. Payload delivery is scheduled for mid-2007 for final spacecraft assembly, integration and test leading to satellite delivery in late 2008.

Headquartered in Bethesda, Md., Lockheed Martin employees about 140,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services. The corporation reported 2006 sales of $39.6 billion. For additional information, visit our website: