For the third
consecutive year, Lockheed Martin Space Systems is
participating as one of the leading sponsors of “The Year In Space”
Desk Calendar, a 168-page full-color weekly calendar for 2001,
featuring images and information from the past, present and future of
space exploration and astronomical discovery. Through a special
arrangement with the publisher (, all
Lockheed Martin employees, retirees, and stockholders nationwide are
eligible to purchase the calendar at discounts ranging from 27% to

Lockheed Martin’s leadership in remote sensing satellites,
astronomical research satellites, launch vehicles, and human space
exploration is represented in the calendar. Many on the 53 weekly
photos depict programs in which Lockheed Martin has played a
significant role, including recent Earth images taken by the Terra and
Landsat remote sensing satellites, deep space images from the Hubble
Space Telescope, an artist’s concept of the X-33 prototype reusable
launch vehicle, and a behind-the-scenes look at a weather satellite
being encapsulated prior to launch on an Atlas II launch vehicle.
Also, Lockheed Martin’s role as a partner in United Space Alliance,
the prime contractor for NASA’s Space Shuttle Program, is represented
in several weekly photos depicting highlights of the past twenty years
of Space Shuttle missions.

In addition to the weekly photo essays, “The Year In Space” offers
several informative feature articles. “Satellites That Serve” explores
the integral role satellites play in communications, remote sensing,
weather and navigation; “Space Station Update” previews the flurry of
ISS construction missions scheduled for 2001; and “Shuttle Service”
takes a look at why, after twenty years, the Space Shuttle is still
way ahead of its time.

“The Year In Space” can now be ordered on the web
( or by calling 800/736-6836. As an
incentive to order early, there will be free domestic shipping on all
orders placed before December 1.

Lockheed Martin Space Systems in Sunnyvale, CA, is a leading
supplier of satellites and space systems to military, civil government
and commercial communications organizations around the world. These
spacecraft and systems have enhanced military and commercial
communications; provided new and timely remote-sensing information;
and furnished new data for thousands of scientists studying our planet
and the universe.

For more information about Lockheed Martin Space
Systems-Sunnyvale, see our website at