Martin Space Systems (LMT), Missiles & Space Operations, based in
Sunnyvale, today announced employment reductions designed to improve
its competitive posture.

Albert E. Smith, executive vice president, Lockheed Martin Space
Systems Company, said, “the action we are taking, though difficult, is
necessary to adjust to our current projected business base and
maintain an appropriate workforce to meet our customers’ needs.”

Missiles & Space will implement a workforce reduction of
approximately 400 employees by year-end. The reductions will impact
both technical and administrative positions primarily at the Sunnyvale
facilities. The company expects additional reductions to occur through
normal attrition.

Smith emphasized that Missiles & Space is, “a sound enterprise
with technical breadth and core capabilities,” and that streamlining
will improve the company’s position as it competes for programs such
as the nation’s next-generation polar-orbiting weather satellite
system known as NPOESS, and NGST — NASA’s Next Generation Space

Missiles & Space will ensure that employees impacted by the
reductions have full outplacement assistance from the Lockheed Martin
Regional Recruiting Center with support from NOVA, the private
industry council in the Silicon Valley.

Missiles & Space, an operating unit of the Lockheed Martin
Corporation, designs, develops, tests, manufactures and operates a
variety of advanced technology systems for military, civil and
commercial customers. Chief products include remote sensing and
communications satellites, fleet ballistic missiles and missile
defense systems. Missiles & Space employment in the Bay Area is
slightly under 7,000.