Members of the media are invited, and interviews will be made available with teachers and Mars researchers at two completely booked showings of the new IMAX movie “Roving Mars” at The Tech Museum, 201 South Market St., in San Jose on Thursday, Feb. 2nd. Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company in Sunnyvale is hosting Bay Area teachers for the showings, after each of which will be a panel discussion about Mars exploration. The teachers will be invited to ask questions of the scientists on the panel.

The first group of teachers will begin to gather at 4:30 pm for a reception, with the showing at 5:30 pm. The second group will gather for a reception at 6:30 pm, with the film beginning at 7:30 pm. The spectacular 42- minute film will be followed by a panel discussion in the theater.

The just-released “Roving Mars” — a Walt Disney Pictures film presented as a public service by Lockheed Martin — follows the journey of Steve Squyres, lead science investigator for the Mars Exploration Rovers and the NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory team responsible for building and launching the rovers and directing their investigation of the martian surface. It takes viewers on an historic voyage of exploration of the “Red Planet,” with a compelling look at challenges and triumphs along the way.

Mars Panel Participants:

Dr. Nathalie Cabrol is a planetary scientist at NASA Ames Research Center/SETI Institute specializing in the evolution of water on Mars. She was the main advocate for the Gusev crater landing for the Spirit rover on Mars, and is a science team member of the NASA Mars Exploration Rover mission.

Dr. Dave Korsmeyer is the Chief for the Intelligent Systems Division at NASA Ames, where the research focus is on autonomous robotics and adaptive software systems for NASA Missions. He was integral to NASA Ames gaining participation in the Mission Operations of the Mars Exploration Rover mission.

Dr. David Des Marais of NASA Ames serves on the Science Operations Working Group of the Mars Exploration Rover 2003 mission. He is also a member an instrument team for both Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter mission, which will arrive at Mars in March, and for the 2009 Mars Science Laboratory mission.

Dr. Steven F. Zornetzer will also attend. Dr. Zornetzer is the Deputy Director for Research at NASA Ames Research Center and also serves as Deputy Center Director (Acting). He is an internationally recognized leader in neuroscience and revolutionary, information technology-based applications to aerospace and space exploration missions.

Media Contact: Buddy Nelson, (510) 797-0349

Pager: 1-888-916-1797
