Lockheed Martin Space Operations (LMSO) Consolidated Space Operations Contract (CSOC) announced today that CSOC operations at Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC), Huntsville, Alabama, will be recommended for International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9001
certification by Det Norske Veritas (DNV).

The ISO 9001 standard identifies an internationally recognized set of
requirements for implementing its quality management system.
ISO 9001
certification ensures customers that Marshall’s CSOC unit operates in
accordance with its ISO compliant procedures.

“CSOC’s performance at Marshall on this audit was stellar,” said Dr. Doug
Tighe, program manager for CSOC.
“There were no findings or observations,
which is a spectacular accomplishment.
This performance further demonstrates
CSOC’s across-the-board commitment to superior performance.”

The CSOC team effort at Marshall was led by Mike Mink, CSOC site manager
at MSFC, Bernice Mays, CSOC’s safety, quality and product assurance manager,
and Charles Berry, MSFC ISO representative, who oversaw the certification

“I would like to credit this achievement not only to the hard work of CSOC
staff at Marshall, but also to the support extended throughout all of our CSOC
locations,” said Mink.
“Our ISO 9001 designation strengthens the message to
CSOC customers that our processes and procedures can consistently provide
high-quality space operations services.”

ISO 9001 certification falls in line with CSOC’s major objective of
standardization and consolidation across space operations services.
Consistent processes and procedures will enhance CSOC’s ability to realize
cost savings and to create a common way of doing business.

CSOC is a $3-billion-plus contract awarded by NASA to Lockheed Martin, who
serves as the prime contractor to provide end-to-end space operations and
Mission and Data Services to both NASA and non-NASA customers.
CSOC manages
NASA’s data collection, telemetry and communications operations that support
Earth-orbiting satellites, planetary exploration, and human space flight
Services include data acquisition from spacecraft, data
transmission to end-users, data processing and storage, ground and space
communications, and mission control center operations.

CSOC is part of Lockheed Martin Space Operations (LMSO), a business unit
of Lockheed Martin Technology Services headquartered in Cherry Hill, New
LMSO, a high-tech engineering and science services firm, employs
about 4,000 engineers, scientists and support personnel.
Services include
managing CSOC; software and hardware engineering for the Space Shuttle and
International Space Station; mission operations and planning systems design,
development, and integration; and human life sciences research.