During a live webcast on Monday, Dec. 11, scientists from
NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory will discuss how two spacecraft
are studying the planet Jupiter and how you can observe Jupiter
in the night sky this month.

The two-hour Internet event from JPL in Pasadena, Calif.,
will begin at 8:30 a.m. PST (11:30 a.m. on the East Coast) at the
Internet address


Dr. Linda Spilker, deputy project scientist for the Cassini
mission, and Dr. Duane Bindschadler, science operations manager
for the Galileo mission, will describe how those two NASA
missions are examining Jupiter, its moons and the huge field of
magnetic force that surrounds the planet. Dr. Scott Bolton, a JPL
physicist, will explain how Earth-based telescopes, including
some remotely controlled by middle school and high school
students, are being used to aid the spacecraft studies. Steve
Edberg, an atmosphere scientist and outreach manager for Cassini,
will provide tips for observing Jupiter, Saturn and other
attractions in December’s night sky. Charles White, system
engineer for the JPL Design Hub, will host the show.

Tuning in requires free preregistration with LiveOnTheNet at
http://www.liveonthenet.com . Questions for the panel may be
submitted to webcast@jpl.nasa.gov . Panelists’ graphics and other
information are available at http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/jupiterflyby

JPL, a division of the California Institute of Technology,
Pasadena, manages Galileo and Cassini for the NASA Office of
Space Science, Washington, D.C.