November 14, 2002

9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Pacific Standard Time (UTC – 8 Hours)

Join the Principal Investigators for the 2001 Mars
Odyssey mission as they explain Odyssey’s initial
discoveries and take questions from schools, museums
and employees at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory during a
live interactive webcast broadcast from JPL’s von
Karman auditorium.

On November 14 at 9:00 am (Pacific Standard Time or UTC – 8 Hours),
click here to view the

You will need RealPlayer to view the webcast. If you don’t
have RealPlayer, please download the free RealPlayer 8
Basic well in advance of the webcast.
Download the free RealVideo software at

Educators and Students Participate in the Webcast

If you are a museum or school and you would like
to submit a question live or in advance of the
webcast, please send e-mail to
Please write, “Odyssey Webcast Question” in the subject line.

Questions about Odyssey

If you are a member of the general public and you have any
questions about the Odyssey mission, please send e-mail to

Webcast Guests

Roger Gibbs,
Odyssey Project Manager

Dr. Phil Christensen
Principal Investigator for the Thermal Emission Imaging System

Dr. Bill Boynton
Principal Investigator for the Gamma Ray Spectrometer

Dr. Cary Zeitlin
Principal Investigator for the Martian Radiation Environment Experiment

Stephenie Lievense,
Mars Outreach Coordinator

More Information

Since the 2001 Mars Odyssey orbiter arrived at Mars on October 23, 2001
we are learning what chemical elements (e.g., carbon, iron, etc.) and
minerals are present at the planet’s surface. Surprised scientists have
found enormous quantities of buried treasure lying just under the surface
of Mars — enough water ice to fill Lake Michigan twice over. There are
also tantalizing indications emerging from the thousands of infrared
images already taken that Mars experienced a series of environmental
changes during active geological periods in its history. Paving the way
for future astronauts, Odyssey is also recording the Martian radiation
environment to determine health risks for any future human explorers.

During and after its science mission, the Odyssey orbiter will also
support other missions in the Mars Exploration program. It will
provide the communications relay for U.S. and international landers,
including the next mission in NASA’s Mars Program, the Mars
Exploration Rovers, to be launched in 2003. Scientists and engineers
will also use Odyssey data to identify potential landing sites for
future Mars missions.

Latest images from Mars:

Please visit the Odyssey web site at: