A group of students is coming to NASA Ames to learn first-hand about how
technology can increase the ability to erase the boundaries of physical
limitations and provide new ways of expressing emotions.

Deaf and hearing students from Indiana high schools will participate in a
variety of activities to learn about sensory systems such as sight, hearing
and touch, and the use of technology in helping humans adapt to unique
environments and “extending” the senses.

On June 14, students will be available for live interviews to discuss their
hands-on science and technology learning experience at NASA’s Ames Research
Center in the heart of Silicon Valley in California.

Book a window with deaf and/or hearing students on Thursday, June 14,
between 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. EDT (12:00 – 2:00 p.m. Central/ 10:00 – 12: 00
p.m. PDT). Deaf students will have an interpreter who will sign the
questions and vocalize the answers.

Possible Questions for Students:

  • What did you learn about NASA?
  • How can NASA technology help you?
  • What is the most exciting thing you learned during your visit to Ames?
  • Do you think science is going to change the way people live in the future?

    To book an interview, call Victoria Kushnir 650-604-0176 or e-mail at

    The full NASA news release announcing the visit of the high school students
    can be found on June 7 at: http://amesnews.arc.nasa.gov/

    Live interviews will originate from Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA
    on NASA TV.

    NASA TV is broadcast on GE-2 (C-Band satellite), transponder 9C at 85
    degrees west longitude, vertical polarization with a downlink frequency of
    3880 Mhz and audio of 6.8 Mhz. In case of trouble during the interview,
    call Ames master control at (650) 604-1296.

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    “subscribe” in subject line to: ames-releases-request@lists.arc.nasa.gov.
    To unsubscribe, send an email to: ames-releases-request@lists.arc.nasa.gov
    with “unsubscribe” in subject line. Also, the NASA Ames News Home Page at
    URL, http://amesnews.arc.nasa.gov includes news releases and JPEG images in
    AP Leaf Desk format minus embedded captions.