Media attendance of any LINK 2002 activity requires advance
accreditation and registration. To register or request an interview
slot contact Mark Ward, 407-254-0840,

See accompanying Note to Editors at

Monday, May 20

— 9:30 a.m. – Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex, Universe Theatre:
Opening session with speeches by Roy Bridges, Director of NASA Kennedy
Space Center; Scott B. Gudes, Deputy Under Secretary of Commerce for
Oceans and Atmosphere; Link Foundation spokesperson, Marilyn Link; and
oceanographer, Sylvia Earle.

— 12:30 p.m. – KSCVC Debus Conference Facility: Keynote luncheon
speaker Don Walsh, pilot of Trieste bathyscaphe during world’s deepest
recorded ocean dive, January 1959.

— 7 p.m. – DCF: Keynote dinner speaker, Russel Turner, President of
United Space Alliance.

— 7:30 p.m. – Live video link with NASA astronauts inside NOAA’s
Aquarius Undersea Lab.

— 8 p.m. – KSCVC IMAX Theatre: Screening of 3D IMAX film “Space
Station” with comments by astronaut Mike Gernhardt.

— 9 p.m. – KSCVC IMAX Theatre: Preview of the IMAX film “Voyage into
the Abyss” with comments by producer, Stephen Low.

Tuesday, May 21

— 12:30 p.m. – KSCVC, DCF: Keynote luncheon speaker, astronaut Mike

— 7 p.m.- KSCVC, Saturn V Rocket Center: Keynote dinner speaker, Scott
Carpenter, Mercury astronaut / Sealab aquanaut.

Wednesday, May 22

— 12:30 p.m. – KSCVC, DCF: Keynote luncheon speaker, John Delaney,
University of Washington.

— 1:30 p.m. – KSCVC, DCF: Closing Session with speeches b: Eric
Lindstrom, NASA Oceanography Program; Capt. Craig McLean, NOAA Office
of Ocean Exploration; and Andy Clark, Marine Technology Society.

— 3 p.m. – Interview opportunities with LINK 2002 participants, by
prior arrangement only.

The Plenary and Keynote sessions of the Symposium will be webcast. For
a complete schedule of web cast events see

For general information on the symposium visit the Link Project web
site at

For information about the MATE ROV competition visit