Exclusive Galleries include commentary from Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin and never before published photos of astronauts with their families www.life.com

WHAT: To celebrate this week’s 40th anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission, LIFE.com is featuring a number of galleries to commemorate the moon landing.

The galleries include:

Buzz Aldrin: Man on the Moon, with exclusive commentary from Buzz himself as he reflects over some of the iconic and rare photographs from the era and shares his insights on the mission. His candid comment on the photo above; “When people ask me -and they do ask me all the time–what it is that’s so significant about this picture, I can’t resist answering: ‘Location, location, location!’ “

EXCLUSIVE: Up Close with Apollo 11, featuring many never before published photos by LIFE photographer Ralph Morse, showing Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins at home and with their families before the launch. Gallery includes commentary from Morse on his experience chronicling the crew’s public and private lives.

WHERE: The galleries may be accessed directly at:

Buzz Aldrin: Man on the Moon — http://www.life.com/image/first/in-gallery/24431 EXCLUSIVE: Up Close with Apollo 11 — http://www.life.com/image/first/in-gallery/29522

CONTACT: For more information please contact: Natasha Hirji , Natasha_Hirji@timeinc.com , 212.522. 3423 or Colleen McMillen, colleen_mcmillen@timeinc.com 212.522.1263