US House of Representatives

Committee on Science

The Honorable Daniel Goldin


NASA Headquarters

Washington DC 20546

Dear Dan:

We are writing to commend you for your comments in NASA’s February 23, 2001 press release about the need for new leadership in the human spaceflight program. We support your decision to develop that new leadership and appreciate your commitment to a smooth transition as the Bush Administration develops its space agenda. Your actions in this matter are particularly timely. The successful launch of the Destiny laboratory creates an opportune time for new faces to bring fresh thinking to the challenges of completing the International Space Station as quickly and cost-effectively as possible.

Pleas extend our appreciation to Mr. Abbey for his long service to the space program and our best wishes to him in his new capacity.


Dana Rohrabacher Dave Weldon
Chairman Vice-Chairman
Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics

cc: The Vice President