The Center for International Science and Technology Policy
Presents A Science and Technology Policy Seminar Series Lecture

Dr. Ray Johnson
Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer for Lockheed Martin Corporation

“Research Universities and Industry: Partners in Innovation”

Wednesday November 7th 2012
11:30am – 2:00pm

Elliott School State Room
1957 E Street NW

RSVP by emailing
A light lunch will be provided

Dr. Ray O. Johnson, a global executive focused on business, innovation, and diversity, is the Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Office of the Lockheed Martin Corporation. Dr. Johnson guides the Corporation’s technology vision and provides corporate leadership in the strategic areas of technology and engineering.

Dr. Johnson currently serves as a member of the Sandia Corporation, the National Math and Science Initiative, the Hispanic College Fund Boards of Directors, the Governing Board of the Indo-US Science and Technology Forum, the Board of Directors of the Northern Virginia Technology Council and the Virginia Center for Innovative Technology, the Virginia Innovation and Entrepreneurship Investment Authority, the Board of Visitors for the A. James Clark School of Engineering at the University of Maryland, the Dean’s Advisory Council for the College of Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University, the Board of Affiliates of the Rice University Professional Science Master’s Program, the Georgia Tech Advisory Board and the West Point Department of Systems Engineering Board of Advisors. Dr. Johnson also chairs the US Council on Competitiveness Technology Leadership and Strategy Initiative. Dr. Johnson holds B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering.

Center for International Science and Technology Policy
Elliott School of International Affairs
1957 E Street NW, Suite 403
Washington, DC 20052
P 202-994-7292
F 202-994-1639