End January

Launch of STS-99

Monday, January 31, 11:47 am EST

NASA TV Coverage from this page.


Be sure to check the countdown page for schedule changes.



Wednesday, February 9

Shuttle Radar Topography Mission – Part Two


10:00 am to 12:00 pm Pacific Standard Time

The Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) uses radar instruments to obtain the most complete, near-global high-resolution database of the Earth’s topography. The shuttle, (STS-99) with an instrument called an imaging radar, will be used to provide the most precise “picture” ever of Earth’s land surface. The radar will bounce signals off the surface; these signals will be received by two on board antenna systems and combined by computers at a ground facility to produce three-dimensional (3-D) images. SRTM consists of a specially modified radar system that will fly on board the space shuttle during an 11-day mission. This radar system will gather data that will result in the most accurate and complete topographic map of the Earth’s surface that has ever been assembled. SRTM will use single-pass interferometry, which means that the two images will be acquired at the same time — one from the radar antennas in the shuttle’s payload bay, the other from the radar antennas at the end of a 60-meter (200-foot) mast extending from the shuttle. Combining the two images produces a single 3-D image.

Suggested Audience Level:    All

Tuesday, February 8

Stanford Solar Series


9:00 am to 12:00 pm Pacific Standard Time

Effects of Our Sun on Planet Earth

Suggested Audience Level:    K-12

Friday, February 11

Volcanoes in the Solar System – An Educator’s Workshop


9:00 am to 3:00 pm Pacific Standard Time

Volcanic eruptions are perhaps the most dramatic events that occur on Earth. Terrestrial volcanoes are important tounderstand not only as potential hazards, but also as geologic resources, biologic environments, and for their role in shaping the surface of Earth and other planets. Volcanic activity has been significant in shaping the surface of the rocky planets in the inner solar system (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars), and in some of the moons in the outer solar system as well. In fact, Jupiter’s rocky moon Io is the most volcanically active body in the solar system. Volcanoes are not limited to rocky objects, however. Two of Jupiter’s icy moons, Europa and Ganymede, as well as other icy moons in the outer solar system, have features scientists believe were produced by ice volcanism. Whether occuring in ice or rock, volcanic activity involves heat, a form of energy that is important in biologic environments on the earth, and perhaps for environments on other planets in the solar system as well. Join us to learn about the types of volcanoes on Earth as well as other planets in the solar system.

Suggested Audience Level:    Educators

Tuesday, February 15

U.S. Department of Education – Satellite Town Meeting


5:00 pm to 6:00 pm Pacific Standard Time

Thoughtful educators and community leaders across the country are discovering new ways shape the middle school experience, creating new learning environments to better influence students` intellectual and personal development. Research tells us that young adolescents between ages 10-14 experience more emotional, developmental, and physical changes than at any other time except in the first three years of life. The middle school period is also a critical transitional phase in a student`s academic development, as young adolescents need to meet rigorous academic standards and be held to high expectations. Helping these young people to learn and achieve to their full potential is the unique mission of the middle school community.

Suggested Audience Level:    Educators and Home Schoolers

Wednesday, February 16

Texas Parks and Wildlife – “Lone Star Dinosaurs!”


6:30 am to 9:30 am Pacific Standard Time

Re-constructed mosasaur skull in a Corpus Cristi, Texas museum. Photo courtesy of Mike Everhart, Oceans of Kansas Paleontology. Walk in the tracks of Texas Dinosaurs with our trip to Dinosaur Valley State Park. The Fort Worth Museum of Science and History will provide an unparalleled educational experience into the life and history of dinosaurs in Texas.

Suggested Audience Level:   K-12

Wednesday, February 16

Landing to Launch


10:00 am to 11:30 am Pacific Standard Time

Although the distance between the VAB and the Launch pad is only about three and a half miles, moving the fully assembled Space Shuttle mounted on the Launcher Platform takes several hours. The process for onlookers is amazingly regal. Picture an eight-lane freeway, spanned by one huge Crawler, supporting the Orbiter, Solid Rocket Boosters and External Engine atop the Launcher Platform, creeping slowly towards Pad. To get an idea of the size, click on the picture at right and compare the size of the Crawler with the size of the three people pictured!

Suggested Audience Level:   K-12 first Hour and University last half hour

Thursday, February 17

The NASA Connect Series – Eyes Over Mars


8:00 am to 8:30 am Pacific Standard Time

In the Geometry of Exploration: Eyes Over Mars, students will examine how the principles of geometry and linear and angular measurements are used to survey and map the Earth and planets such as Mars. Students will meet a surveyor who will explain how he surveys locations like football or soccer fields, will describe the tools and techniques he uses, and will show students how math and geometry are used in surveying. Students will also see how NASA researchers use geometric shapes to navigate spacecraft to Mars and how satellites, like the Mars Global Surveyor, and the principles of geometry are used to determine the elevation of land formations on Mars.

Suggested Audience Level:  4-8

Thursday, February 17

7th Annual “International Space Station Teleconference” – Expedition 2000


12:30 pm to 2:00 pm Eastern Standard Time

Students will learn about teamwork and diversity by viewing scientists, engineers and astronauts who are making the International Space Station a reality.  The greatest international space expedition has begun! The 7th Annual International Space Station Teleconference: Expedition 2000 will take your students on a journey where math and science reach new heights! This live and interactive program will present students with real-world examples of math and science that support national Standards of Learning (SOLs) for middle through high school students.

Join Expedition 2000 as Space Station experts show you:


  •       how the ISS generates electricity
  •        propulsion of the station
  •        monitoring of the earth and the solar system from the ISS
  •        communication among astronauts and to mission control
  •        how our bodies react to microgravity

Suggested Audience Level:  K-12

Wednesday, February 23

Tour of the International Space Station Mock UP and Training Facility for
America’s Astronauts


10:00 am to 11:00 am Pacific Standard Time

Tour Johnson Space Center, the center for manned spaceflight and headquarters for the International Space Station Program.

Suggested Audience Level:  all

Thursday, February 24

7th Annual “International Space Station Teleconference” – Ventures in Space


12:30 pm to 2:00 pm Eastern Standard Time

Ventures in Space Teleconference will explore strategies planned for the economic development of space. The program provides a forum for interaction between professionals who plan to participate in business opportunities in space, including utilization, operation, and the development of new capabilities for the ISS. These new ventures will expand knowledge and create economic benefits for people on Earth. A diverse panel of top NASA, university and commercial researchers, international investors, and other experts will take your questions and comments on the air.

Get briefings on:

  •        Current ISS business plans and opportunities
  •        Current ISS legislation for economic development
  •        Current government, industry and university ISS research partnerships
  •        Venture opportunities and how to participate

Suggested Audience Level:  Professionals

Monday, February 28

Shuttle Radar Topography Mission – Part Three


10:00 am to 12:00 pm Pacific Standard Time

Although the 11 day mission will collect the bulk of the images the actual data will take a year to evaluate. Data sufficient to produce a rectified, terrain-corrected, C-band (5.6  centimeters wavelength) radar image mosaic of 80 percent of Earth’s land surface at 30-meter resolution.

Suggested Audience Level:    All


Kate Weisberg

Project Manager


Learning Technologies Channel Project

NASA-Ames Research Center

Mail Stop T-28H   Moffet Field, CA 94035-1000

Voice (650) 604-2160

Fax (650) 604-1913

Email: kweisberg@mail.arc.nasa.gov
