
The latest status on payload operations aboard the International Space
Station — including comprehensive background information and photographs of
science experiment payloads — is now available to news media on the
Internet at:



Periodic status reports describing science activities aboard the Space
Station will be issued as appropriate — starting with Expedition Two aboard
the International Space Station to begin with Space Shuttle mission STS-102,
set for launch Thursday, March 8.


With the click of a mouse, news media can view status updates, news releases
and fact sheets. High-resolution photos and images can be downloaded from
the Web site. Clips of video, audio and animation also will be available.

The International Space Station Science Operations News Web site is
maintained as part of the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center electronic News
Center and serves as the news media’s portal for information about Space
Station payload operations.


News media wishing to receive direct, periodic status reports and news
releases may subscribe to an e-mail distribution list by e-mailing Judy
Pettus at judy.pettus@msfc.nasa.gov