On Friday, Jan. 31, at 2 p.m. KSC Direct will present its next webcast
“Bumper: The Story Behind the First Launches from the Cape.”

On July 24, 1950, Bumper 8, a modified German V-2 rocket carrying the small
WAC Corporal wartime rocket, launched near the Cape Canaveral lighthouse.
Stan Starr, Chief Engineer for Dynacs Corporation at Kennedy Space Center,
will take us behind the scenes and show us the results of this nearly
forgotten but very challenging missile development program.

The webcast will also feature Norris Gray and Liz Bain, two individuals who
played a part in this historic launch over 50 years ago. They will answer
questions about their vital roles during that time.

The webcast can be found at http://www.ksc.nasa.gov/KSCDirect/event1.htm