Government, military, and industry
leaders will address implications for the aerospace industry in a changed
world at Global Air & Space 2002, an annual international business forum and
exposition. The event will be held at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City,
Arlington, VA, on 23 – 24 April 2002.

Topics and Speakers:

Tuesday 23 April 2002,
Welcome: Dennis J. Picard

Opening Remarks: Kent Kresa

Weapon System Concepts in a Rapidly Changing World

  • Robert P. Iorizzo
  • Thomas Burbage
  • Thomas Enders
  • William H. Swanson
  • Lt. Gen. Bruce A. Carlson
  • Moderated by David M. North

Keynote Address: General John P. Jumper, Chief of Staff, USAF

Unmanned Systems in a Changing World

  • Robert Mitchell
  • Thomas Cassidy
  • Lt. Gen. George Muellner, USAF (Ret.)
  • Lt. Gen. Charles F. Wald
  • Moderated by Richard Barnard

Information Security in a Changed Aerospace Environment

  • Mark Goldman
  • LTG Joseph Cosumano, USA
  • Lee Holcomb
  • Joseph N. Pelton
  • Moderated by Lon Rains

Wednesday, 24 April 2002

Keynote Address: Sean O’Keefe, NASA Administrator

Civil Space: Improving our Way of Life

  • Joanne M. Maguire
  • HON Dana Rohrabacher
  • Gregory W. Withee
  • Joseph H. Rothenberg
  • Moderated by Miles O’Brien

Addressing New Threats: Combined NRO and DoD Space Program Management

  • Dennis D. Fitzgerald
  • LTG Edward G. Anderson, III, USA
  • Maj Gen Robert S. Dickman, USAF (Ret.)
  • Timothy W. Hannemann
  • Moderated by John P. Stenbit

Luncheon Keynote Address: James G. Roche, Secretary of the Air Force

Keynote Address: Edward C. “Pete” Aldridge, Jr, Under Secretary of Defense

Presidential Commission on the Future of the U.S. Aerospace Industry

  • Members of the Commission (invited)
  • Moderated by John W. Douglass

Program details and registration information can be found online at .

For questions about the event contact
AIAA at phone: 800-639-2422 or 703-264-7500; e-mail:

Kent Kresa, Chairman and CEO of Northrop Grumman Corporation, will serves
as the general chair of the event.
Timothy W. Hannemann, President and CEO,
TRW Space & Electronics is an associate sponsor.
Global Air & Space 20002 is
organized by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), in
cooperation with the Aerospace Industries Association, and the Aviation Week

AIAA is the largest professional society, principal voice, and information
provider devoted to the progress of engineering and science in all technical
areas of aviation, space and defense — on behalf of industry, academia, and