MISSION: STS-103 – 3rd Hubble Space Telescope Servicing Mission

VEHICLE: Discovery/OV-103


TARGET KSC LAUNCH DATE/TIME: December 6 at 2:37 a.m. EST

TARGET LANDING DATE/TIME: December 15 at 11:57 p.m. EST

LAUNCH WINDOW: 42 minutes

MISSION DURATION: 10 days and 21 hours

CREW: Brown, Kelly, Smith, Foale, Grunsfeld, Nicollier, Clervoy

ORBITAL ALTITUDE and INCLINATION: 317 nautical miles/28.45 degrees

Work in progress: Space Shuttle Discovery rolled out to Launch Pad 39B on
Saturday, Nov. 13. First motion from the Vehicle Assembly Building began a
7:27 a.m. and the Shuttle was hard down at the pad by 2:17 p.m. Discovery
had been scheduled to begin its transfer to the pad at 2 a.m., but
inspections of minor external tank foam damage delayed the departure.

While Discovery was in the VAB, workers completed efforts to replace Shuttle
main engine No. 3 and the solid rocket booster range safety cable. The
Shuttle Interface Test validated all Space Shuttle connections prior to
rollout. Final checks of the replaced main engine will be completed at the
pad. Launch pad validations are under way and installation of the payload
into Discovery’s payload bay is slated for tomorrow.

The seven-member flight crew arrived at KSC Sunday afternoon and will
participate in Terminal Countdown Demonstration Test activities through
Wednesday. The launch day dress rehearsal concludes Wednesday at 11 a.m.
with a simulated main engine cutoff. Shuttle managers will convene the
STS-103 Flight Readiness Review on Friday, Nov. 19 to discuss the overall
readiness of all Space Shuttle systems for flight.

Major Processing Milestones (targets only):

Payload installed into orbiter (Nov. 16)

Terminal Countdown Demonstration Test (crew dress rehearsal) (Nov. 17)

Flight Readiness Review (Nov. 19)

Shuttle main engine test (Nov. 23)

MISSION: STS-99 – Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM)

VEHICLE: Endeavour/OV-105


TARGET KSC LAUNCH DATE/TIME: Jan. 13, 2000 at 7:17 a.m. EST

TARGET KSC LANDING DATE/TIME: Jan. 24, 2000 at 11:22 a.m. EST

LAUNCH WINDOW: 2 hours and 30 minutes

MISSION DURATION: 11 days, 4 hours and 5 minutes

CREW: Kregel, Gorie, Kavandi, Voss, Mohri, Thiele

ORBITAL ALTITUDE and INCLINATION: 126 nautical miles/57 degrees

Work in progress: Wiring retests on orbiter Endeavour are ongoing and
midbody closeouts conclude today. Installation of the SRTM payload into
Endeavour’s payload bay is scheduled to occur tomorrow.

Major Processing Milestones (targets only):

Payload installed into orbiter (Nov. 16)

Orbiter transferred to VAB (Dec. 2)

Space Shuttle rolls out to Launch Pad 39A (Dec. 8)
