John F. Kennedy Space Center

Kennedy Space Center, Florida 32899

KSC Contact: Lisa Malone

KSC Release No. 46 – 00

Today, Kennedy Space Center will begin with a fresh
organization focused on safe operations of the Space Shuttle, Space Station,
Expendable Launch Vehicle programs and customers, and spaceport technology

Highlights of the new structure include creating a Spaceport
Engineering and Technology organization to focus on spaceport technology and
development and project management; a Spaceport Services group to service
the needs of the center’s internal and external customers; and establishment
of an External Relations and Business Development team to create a “one-stop
shopping” for new customers and improve internal and external

“Our main objective is to continue safe and effective
support of our operational programs: Space Shuttle, International Space
Station (ISS) and payload processing, and Expendable Launch Vehicle (ELV)
Services. At the same time we will strive to improve our ability to focus on
spaceport technology development,” said Bridges.

KSC has taken on significant changes within several
organizations over the past two years leading up to the reorganization. For
example: 1) the transition of Shuttle processing tasks to United Space
Alliance; 2) the consolidation of the Expendable Launch Vehicle program at
KSC from Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, and Glenn Research
Center, Cleveland, OH, and 3) the creation of special teams to process and
test the ISS in a multiple element configuration.

Since last August, a core team has been in place working on
a new overall structure for the center. Teams of employees have been
actively involved in setting up the new organizations.

Bridges said the number one driving force for the change is
that a reduced workforce has left NASA with critical skill shortages.
Through the reorganization Bridges said, “We hope to attract, develop and
retain a highly competent, diverse, agile and flexible workforce.” Other
factors leading to the reorganization include redundant functions within the
current organizational structure, an excessive number of internal customer
handoffs, limited flexibility for employees, and an inconsistent alignment
with the KSC Roadmap. Bridges added, “None of the center’s nearly 1,781
civil service employees will lose his or her civil service status, but some
people will have new opportunities within the new structure.”

– end –

Editor’s Note: Roy Bridges will give an informal briefing to news media at
the KSC Press Site at 3:30 p.m. today at the Press Site auditorium. This
event will not be carried live. Video and audio tapes will be provided.
Biographies of KSC’s executive directors are available on at
A chart of the new organization is available at