Arlington, Va. – Paul G. Kaminski, a highly decorated leader in the defense and technology fields, has been named as AIA’s representative to the NextGen Institute Management Council.

Kaminski is currently chairman and chief executive officer of Technovation, Inc., and senior partner in Global Technology Partners. A former under secretary of defense for Acquisition and Technology, Kaminski has had a decades-long career involving large program implementation and application of advanced technology in both the private and public sectors.

AIA President and CEO Marion C. Blakey said Kaminiski’s expertise will be a great asset to the NextGen Institute as it coordinates with the Joint Planning and Development Office to develop the Next Generation Air Transportation System.

“Dr. Kaminski is an exceptional leader with a vision for the future and the ability to implement complex new systems such as NextGen,” Blakey said. “He will be a valuable asset in representing AIA members among the many stakeholders involved in transforming our air transportation system to deal with future growth and minimize flight delays.”

Kaminski is well versed in NextGen, having been tapped by former Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta to serve on a panel that was instrumental in forming the vision of the new system. It also provided the framework for the 2003 establishment of the Joint Planning and Development Office, which is charged with implementing NextGen.

Kaminski’s expertise includes a 20-year career with the Air Force, where he was instrumental in the development of stealth systems. He chaired the National Research Council Committee on the Decadal Survey of Civil Aeronautics report, which developed an overarching roadmap for investment in aeronautics research and technology in 2006. Most recently he completed a National Academies retrospective review of the benefits of systems engineering for future Air Force systems acquisition.

Kaminski has received numerous awards, including the prestigious National Medal of Technology in 2006.

The NextGen Institute was established in March 2005 to provide the Joint Planning and Development Office with access to world-class private sector expertise, tools and facilities in the development of the Next Generation Air Transportation System.