The July 2016 issue of Gravitational and Space Research (Vol. 4, No. 1) has been published, and can be accessed at

Submissions are welcome any time, but those that are received before September 21st, 2016, will be targeted to the Winter issue (Vol. 4, No. 2). Submission guidelines and formatting tools are available on the website; including a template in Microsoft Word, and an EndNote™ style file. GSR is an open access, peer reviewed journal which is currently indexed with Google Scholar and EBSCOhost, and currently under review with MedLine and Thompson Reuters. Due to its open access format, content can also be found just by typing search terms into any web browser search engine. There are no Open Access Fees.

Submission is open to all. Research topics include – but are not limited to – gravitational and space biology, astrobiology, analog environment research, advanced life support (ALS), biophysics, radiation biology, hardware engineering and development, fluid physics, materials science, combustion science, and acceleration in altered gravity environments. The categories of papers include Short Communication, Methods, Research, Hypothesis and Review.

We look forward to receiving many high-quality papers that strongly reflect the exciting research of our members.

Anna-Lisa Paul,
Editor in Chief