Johnson Space Center Director Jefferson D. Howell Jr. will receive a Texas Legislature proclamation honoring the STS-107 crew of Columbia next Tuesday at the state capitol.

The joint proclamation also recognizes the numerous benefits to humankind of space flight and the importance of maintaining state support for innovative programs that inspire future scientists and engineers who will continue the legacy of Columbia and the crew. Director of Flight Crew Operations Bob Cabana, who has flown four times in space, and Astronauts Jeffrey S. Ashby and Paul S. Lockhart will travel with Howell to Austin to accept the proclamation.

Sen. Mike Jackson (R-La Porte) and Rep. John Davis (R-Houston), who represent the center-s district, played leading roles in the adoption of the Columbia resolution. Davis said: "The Human Space Flight program continually proves to be an asset to Science and Technology as well as many non-aerospace companies by assisting in development of products we use in our daily lives. With great adventure comes great risk. Those at JSC are willing to take those risks on our behalf and I thank them. I look with great respect and remorse at the recent loss of Columbia and her crew. I know the NASA community is not infallible but we are incredibly resilient. It is with great hope and expectation I look to the future of Human Space Flight in America."

Howell,, also will thank state officials for their continued support of the Texas Aerospace Scholars (TAS) Program and the Technology Outreach Program (TOP), two partnerships between JSC and the state. TAS uses the excitement of space exploration to encourage students to study math, science, and engineering. TOP offers small businesses advice from experts in the space and educational community. Both TAS and TOP have been funded by the state since 1999.