Based on the recommendations from congressional leaders
at today’s joint hearing into the Space Shuttle Columbia
accident, NASA Administrator Sean O’Keefe today issued a
second amendment to the charter of the Space Shuttle Accident
Investigation Board. The independent panel is led by Admiral
Hal Gehman and is known as the Gehman Board.

The changes to the charter removes any requirement, either
real or perceived, that asks Admiral Gehman to coordinate or
await approval from NASA for any dimension of the panel’s

Administrator Sean O’Keefe appeared before a joint committee
hearing co-chaired by U.S. Senator John McCain, who chairs
the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation
and U.S. Representative Sherwood Boehlert, who chairs the
House Science Subcommittee on Space and Aeronautics.

At the hearing, Rep. Boehlert said, “The words of the charter
simply do not guarantee the independence and latitude that
both the Administrator and the Admiral have sincerely
promised. The charter’s words need to match everyone’s intent
now to avoid any problems later. I also continue to believe
that several more members should be added to the Board to
ensure that it has the appropriate breadth of experience and

As a result of the recommendations, the Gehman Board charter
was amended a second time. “I want to thank Rep. Boehlert and
the rest of the congressional leadership for their insight
and concern. There should be no doubt as to the independent
nature of this investigative body,” added Administrator
O’Keefe. “NASA will do whatever it takes to ensure the
integrity of the Gehman Board as it works to identify the
cause of this horrific accident.”

A copy of the amended charter and the complete text of
Administrator O’Keefe’s opening statement are available on
the Internet at