Submit your questions now 4/6 – 4/26, we will select the best questions and send them up to Susan Helms on board the International Space Station.

Join us during our live webcast coming up April 26th as Susan Helms, the first female astronaut to live on board the International Space Station, answers some of your questions.



Big events going on during the month of April.

April 11

Wednesday 10 AM – 11 AM Pacific

Chat with Steven Cain

Subject: International Partners on the ISS Steven Cain is an International Element Manager working with the

European Space Agency on the Columbus research module and Cupola Element (set of windows for the ISS). His job is to oversee the

processing of these international elements, at KSC, in preparation for transport and addition to the International Space Station. This chat is a

follow-up on the ISS Webcast series


April 12

Thursday 10 AM – 11 AM Pacific

Webcast from the Johnson Space Center: Farming in Space

Plants are an important component for space-based and extraterrestrial life support systems. Join John Gruener to find out what they are

learning about how to grow plants in space.


April 18

Wednesday 10 AM – 11 AM Pacific

Webcast series: Under Construction the ISS

The International Space Station uses a new generation of space robotics. Join us to speak with NASA experts about Spacewalks and

Robotics on the ISS. There are lesson helps and a pre-test available. Check your knowledge before the webcast and then see what you’ve learned with the post-test after the webcast.


April 25

Wednesday 10 AM – 11 AM Pacific

Chat with Glenn Perez – subject: Space walks and Robotics

This chat is a follow-up on the ISS Webcast series aired April 18.


April 26

Thursday NASA Quest’s 6th Annual Virtual Take Our Daughters to Work Day

Join us all day for interactive webchats, webcasts, and a forum featuring our nation’s coolest, brightest, most intriguing and talented

women and men who develop and utilize breakthrough technologies that benefit our world! The highlight of the day will be a webcast hosted by Bonnie, our high school student correspondent, featuring an interview with Susan Helms, from the International Space Station.


From 4/6 – 4/26 you are invited to submit your best question to Astronaut
Susan Helms.

Susan Helms is the first female to reside on the International Space Station and will remain in orbit for five months. NASA will select the best questions to ask Susan Helms during our live interview hosted by Bonnie, our Young Women of NASA Advisory Council correspondent.



April 27 7-8 am Pacific

Webcast: Take a virtual tour of the ISS mockups and the astronaut training facilities. Then meet and “talk” with an astronaut about living and

working in space. More information coming soon. There are lesson plans to help in preparation.



April 27, 2001, 10:00am – 12:00pm Pacific

Join NASA and the Stanford SOLAR Center in a special webcast where students will present results from a variety of solar activities and discuss their findings. The webcast format will allow students and teachers from across the country to interact with their student peers in our California NASA Ames Research Center auditorium via the chatroom and compare results from other schools. We’ll also have guest scientists on hand to help answer questions.
