New Technology Will Help Improve Civilian and Military Weather Forecasts

ITT Industries, Inc.
was awarded a $113 million contract by TRW to produce three high
technology, space-based measurement instruments to improve weather forecasting
worldwide. The instrument, known as the Cross Track Infrared Sounders (CrIS)
provides improved measurements of temperature and moisture in the earth’s
atmosphere. Forecasters use this data to help improve both global and
regional predictions of weather patterns and storm tracks.

ITT Industries has been developing technology for space-based sensors and
payloads for more than a quarter century. Its Imagers and Sounders form the
backbone of the US weather forecasting system and its navigation payloads are
at the heart of GPS. The CrIS has several new advanced technology
applications ITT has developed for existing and future programs. It includes
one of the first space applications of a Michelson Interferometer. This
scientific tool is used to split light into hundreds of spectral channels and
allows for more precise measurements of the earth’s atmosphere at various
altitudes. Current technology permits measurement in only a few channels
while CrIS will measure 1300. This provides a major improvement in the quality
of data used by forecasters to predict the weather.

The NPOESS Integrated Program Office recently named TRW as the prime
contractor with Shared System Performance Responsibility (SSPR) for developing
the new National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System
(NPOESS). As SSPR, TRW has end-to-end responsibility for providing complete
packages of data to support mission requirements of both the Departments of
Commerce and Defense.

CrIS is scheduled to begin flying on-board NASA’s NPOESS Preparatory
Project spacecraft beginning in 2006. The mission will aid in the merging of
missions of the current civil Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental
Satellites with those of the military’s Defense Meteorological Satellite

ITT Industries, Inc. ( supplies advanced technology
products and services in key markets including: electronic interconnects and
switches; defense communication, opto-electronics, information technology and
services; fluid and water management and specialty products. Headquartered in
White Plains, NY, the company generated $4.7 billion in 2001 sales.
In addition to the New York Stock Exchange, ITT Industries stock is traded on
the Midwest, Pacific, London, Paris and Frankfurt exchanges.