NASA Quest will be hosting two Webcasts during E-Week, where students and classrooms from across the country can have interactive discussions with NASA engineers on February 18th & 20th at 9:00 a.m. Pacific time. Each webcast is one hour long. To learn more about E-Week, use the lesson plans and research data base of NASA Engineers visit our website at or join the webcast from the calendar at: .

Also, this from JPL:
Through a partnership between the Mars Exploration Program and NASA’s
Robotics Education Project, we would like to invite you to participate in
the upcoming “Women Working on Mars: Engineering on the Red Planet”
webcast on Wednesday, February 19th at 6:00 p.m. Pacific.

In support of National Engineer’s Week, this 40-minute presentation
will highlight JPL engineers who design, build and test robots
destined for Mars! Through videos of the engineers in
their work environment, and a live discussion led by audience
questions, the engineers will share the excitement of Mars exploration
and illustrate that a career in engineering is possible for any
creative young man or woman with interest and ability in science and

Schools, museums and the general public are invited to participate by
submitting e-mail questions about Mars, robotics or engineering to Please title the subject line “webcast.”
Questions may be sent in real-time or in advance.

So, please join us at on
Wednesday, February 19th to learn more about Mars, robotics and what
a career in engineering really looks like!