2 p.m. CDT, Friday, November 12, 1999

Mission Control Center, Houston, Texas

With no issues being followed aboard the International Space Station, flight controllers in Houston and
Moscow continue to verify the health of all systems through routine commanding from the ground.

Battery cycling of the five usable storage units inside the Zarya module was completed this week as
controllers prepare for the next round of deep-cycling scheduled to begin late next week. The deep cycling
of each battery takes about five days. The batteries store solar energy, which then is converted into
electrical power for the Station’s systems. Periodically, each battery is cycled to ensure its health and
maintain its life.

The early communications system inside the Unity module continues to operate normally. Every week or two,
commands are issued to switch between the right and left low gain antennas to ensure their health.

Other weekly checks included measuring and refining the spin rate of the complex, which is oriented with
Unity pointed at the Earth. The slow spin maintains even temperatures on all systems and minimizes
propellant usage.

All other Station systems are in excellent shape as it orbits at an altitude of 242 by 225 statute miles. Since
the launch of Zarya last November, the ISS has completed more than 5,594 orbits. Space Station viewing
opportunities worldwide are available on the Internet at:


The next International Space Station status report will be issued Thursday, Nov. 18. For further information,
please contact the NASA Public Affairs Office at the Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas,